The Scottish Mail on Sunday

You won’t BELIEVE what they tell me!


It was hard being mean all the time, my face hurts from pulling angry faces. I can’t do it any more.

Playing a killer in his film debut is murder for Rizzle Kicks pop star Harley Sylvester. Harley, 22, is filming The Guvnors alongside David Essex

Even security swooned when Feliciano Lopez walked out of his dressing room topless during Wimbledon. He was strutting round on his phone, and instead of watching what was going on they were just gawping. They all fancied him, he’s like a Greek Adonis.

Dan Bloxham, Wimbledon head coach and master of ceremonies, tells me that even his burly bouncers have a soft spot for Spanish tennis champion Feliciano.

I used to sell Victorian dolls then, weirdly, when I lost that job the heavens opened and I took that as a sign I shouldn’t be selling dolls any more.

Prince Charles’s favourite Asian singer

Naughty Boy reveals how he settled on his career. He’s had a hit album since being discovered and funded

by The Prince’s Trust.

I don’t wear Tesco knickers any more. Now I love Marks and Spencer because I’m a high street girl. But I’ve got lots of Agent Provocateu­r underwear for special occasions.

Denise Van Outen tells me intimate details about her intimates at the launch of her onewoman musical show Some Girl I Used To Know. What an upgrade! Tesco pants cost about £3 and Agent Provocateu­r briefs can be £85.

I’m still waiting for my Bafta. They gave me a prop to hold on the night, but that was just for show. So although I won I don’t technicall­y have a Bafta.

 ??  ?? Actor Luke Newberry tells me that the Best Mini Series award
he picked up in February for starring in the BBC’s In The
Flesh is yet to materialis­e.
Actor Luke Newberry tells me that the Best Mini Series award he picked up in February for starring in the BBC’s In The Flesh is yet to materialis­e.

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