The Scotsman

Holyrood U-turns on men’s sheds funding cut

- Alistair Grant

The Scottish Government has U-turned on a decision to cease funding for Scotland’s largest men’s mental health charity.

Shirley-anne Somerville, the Social Justice Secretary, confirmed support would be provided to the Scottish Men’s Sheds Associatio­n (SMSA) for this financial year. It follows warnings the charity, which works with 10,000 members across more than 200 independen­t sheds, faced being wound down.

The first men’ s shed was set up more than a decade ago in Aberdeensh­ire to offer a place for men to socialise and learn new skills, and the facilities have been widely praised for their impact on mental health.

Jason Schroeder, the charity’s chief executive, previously told The Sunday Post: “We’ve got enough funding for about nine or ten months and then we’ll be looking at winding up. That will mean the more than 200 groups lose all their support and all the new groups that are starting will have no support.”

Responding to a question in Holyrood from Labour MSP Paul O’kane, Ms Somerville said: “The Scottish Government has provided £795,000 worth of funding to the Scottish Men’s Sheds Associatio­n since 2016, supporting the movement to grow from five sheds to 200 across Scotland.

“We understand it’s a very challengin­g time for small organisati­ons and that the SMSA are working to secure funding from charity donors and from the private sector.

“Given this, I can confirm today that we will work with the organisati­on to identify and to provide the funding for this financial year to ensure that we support them in the months ahead to develop broad, sustainabl­e support for this important national organisati­on, and we hope this will help to avoid future uncertaint­y and assist local sheds to flourish .”

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