The Scotsman

Capaldi hopes for live return in ‘the not too distant future’

- Brian Ferguson Arts & Culture Correspond­ent

Lewis Capaldi has revealed he hopes to return to performing live again “in the not too distant future” months after he announced he was taking a break from touring to address physical and mental health issues.

The singer-songwriter has told fans that he has noticed a “marked improvemen­t” since he decided to take time off in June.

The 27-year-old praised the help of “incredible profession­als”whohadbeen­helpingwit­h “learn about and cope better” with Tourette’s syndrome and anxiety.

But Capaldi said he wanted to “make absolutely sure” he was 100 per cent before he returned to “doing what I love more than anything”.

Capaldi, who pulled the plug on future live appearance­s after struggling on stage at the Glastonbur­y festival, said he had been “completely overwhelme­d” with messages of support since deciding to take a break.

And the Glasgow-born singer revealed he had decided to release five new songs recorded during the making of his second album on an extended edition available from today.

Capaldi released new album Broken by Desire to Be Heavenly Sent in May, weeks after the launch of a Netflix documentar­y, in which he opened up about the impact of his Tourette’s syndrome diagnosis and panic attacks.

After his Glastonbur­y appearance, Capaldi said it had become obvious that he needed to “spend much more time getting my mental and physical health in order, so I can keep doing everything I love for a long time to come”.

In his new statement, the star said: “As most of you will know, I'm currently taking some time off to focus on my health and wellbeing and it’s been going great! I’ve been working with some incredible profession­als to help me learn about and cope better with my Tourette’s and anxiety issues.

“I’m really happy to say I’ve noticed a marked improvemen­t in both since I decided to take some time off back in June.

Lewis Capaldi he has noticed a ‘marked improvemen­t’ since he decided to take time off after his appearance at Glastonbur­y in June “I was completely overwhelme­d by the reaction to the news that I was taking a break and genuinely want to thank each and every one of you who reached out, left a comment, tweet or dm wishing me well, the support was like nothing I’ve ever experience­d and has made me more excited than ever to return to doing what I love at some point in the not too distant future.”

Capaldi said it was “mind blowing” that the songs from his new album were resonating with so many people given his decision to take a break from the music business.

He added: “After some backand-forth about whether or not it was the right thing to do, I’ve decided it would be a shame for these extra five songs, which are so incredibly special to me, to sit on my hard drive, never to see the light of day.

“With that, I'm absolutely over the moon to announce that Broken By Desire To Be Heavenly Sent (Extended Edition) will be yours to listen to on New Year’s Day.

“For now I’m going to continue taking some time to carry on looking after myself.”

I was completely overwhelme­d by the reaction to the news that I was taking a break Lewis Capaldi

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