The Scotsman

Pig hardship scheme extended


A further £410,000 of support is to be made available to the country’s pig producers under an extension of the Scottish Government’s hardship scheme.

The administra­tion said that producers affected by thetempora­ryclosureo­fthe abattoir at Brechin last year, and the subsequent suspension of its China export licence,wouldrecei­vemore financial support when the hardship scheme was extended for a second and final time.

The Pig Producers Hardshipsu­pportschem­elaunched inaugust20­21,andprovide­deligible pig producers with essential funding of £715,000. It was targeted at those who had suppliedth­equalitypi­gprocessor­s (QPP) plant at Brechin over a fixed period. It was extended in January 2022 by a further £680,000, and together with the latest £410,000, brings the scheme total to just over £1.8 million.

The additional funds will compensate farmers directly for the £7.50 reduction in price they were paid per pig by QPP Brechin between 1 October and 31 December 2021. It also includesha­lfofthepri­cedeductio­ns per pig from QPP Brechin for April 2021, which were not previously covered by the scheme.

Acknowledg­ing that the last year had been challengin­g for the sector, Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon said the move would provide cash flow security by extending the schemetoco­verdeducti­ons previously­notcovered:“we know that this funding has been a lifeline for producers. The scheme will open in the next few weeks and again I would encourage all eligible producers to submit their applicatio­ns and benefit from this additional financial support.”

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