The Scotsman

No country has done as much to help Ukraine as Great Britain

Ignore the Russian bots and anti-boris bellyachin­g – Britain is leading opposition to Putin, writes Brian Monteith


It was meant to be over in a week. That was the bleak outcome expected for Ukraine if the 150,000-plus Russian troops amassed on its border with Russia and Belarus invaded.

The intelligen­ce community of both the US and UK were repeatedly warning European leaders war was imminent. The EU circus played it down, its ringmaster­s thought they had it under control and had convinced Vladimir Putin it would be unwise. President Joe Biden said on Tuesday February 17 that the invasion was about to happen. Social media came alive, mocking him and joking he was just a delusional old bloke havering. On the 24th he was proven right.

The Russian tanks rolled and real people, not imaginary statistics, started to die. Nobody is laughing at Joe Biden now.

We are now 11 days on and while some Ukrainian towns and cities have fallen, especially along Ukraine’s south eastern coast, the spirited and brave resistance by the Ukrainian people has shown Russia’s advantage of massive numbers is not always enough. Superior technology in military hardware, an intimate understand­ing of local terrain and weather, cunning ambush tactics that play to Ukraine’s strengths – and a self-belief amongst Ukrainians fighting for their soil that Russian conscripts cannot ever match – are all contributi­ng to a hard lesson for the Russian military.

Quietly, in the background, the role of the UK in defending Ukrainian sovereignt­y has been vital. Short of putting troops in the field, or aircraft in Ukrainian skies – which Boris Johnson was right to rule out because of the escalation it would guarantee and where that could inevitably lead – the British military has led the West’s response to Putin’s belligeren­ce. Since 2015 under Operation Orbital 100 British military specialist­s have trained some 20,000 Ukrainian military forces, including specialist snipers. The reported death of Russia’s Major General Andrey Sukhovetsk­y and other military commanders from Ukrainian sniper fire shows the importance it can have for defenders who are significan­tly outnumbere­d. All British military were withdrawn by mid-february.

Earlier, in January, 2,000 of the latest British-swedish NLAW anti-tank missiles were transporte­d to Ukraine by the RAF, travelling north of German airspace to avoid the embarrassm­ent of being denied entry to fly through it. Again, training was provided. Its effectiven­ess is now being hailed as a crucial component in slowing down the Russian advance. Forsaking its famous neutrality, Sweden has decided to deliver 5,000 more missiles.

Yet for all the assistance the UK has been giving Ukraine for the last seven years there are people who hate Boris Johnson and Brexit so much, like there’s a tapeworm in their brain, they cannot stop themselves from pinpointin­g Britain,falsely,asastraggl­er behind the EU in helping the Ukrainian people. Be it military kit, sanctions, refugee relief, internatio­nal diplomacy – you name it and Britain has not been doing enough. I’m sorry to break the news but Prime Minister Johnson has been taking the lead when others would rather have ignored the Russian threat.

Previously the German Government worked to stop other countries from providing German-made equipment and ordnance being sent by Baltic states to the Ukraine. Only now has Chancellor Olaf Scholz committed to send anti-tank missiles – only for many of them to be found to be duds, so long have they been in storage.

On economic sanctions it was Boris Johnson who was literally thumping the table demanding Russian banks

be expelled from Europe’s SWIFT payments messaging system. Germany, Hungary and Italy were eventually shamed into agreeing – only for it to come out that the EU’S commitment is to expel only seven Russian banks that account for just 25 per cent of its banking sector. Thanks to Brexit, Boris Johnson has gone further, including Russia’s largest bank, Sberbank, in our sanctions.

The focus of Johnson’s critics has been on the number of “oligarchs” personally­sanctioned,ridiculing a number initially put as low as six. This was intentiona­lly partisan – the UK has sanctioned 228 individual­s, entities and subsidiari­es since the invasion. Demands for “oligarch” Alexander Temerko to be sanctioned showed the sheer anti-tory bile in these demands – Temerko, who donated to a Tory MP’S election campaign, is a Ukrainian citizen and British

national who is a critic of Putin.

More importantl­y, Britain has frozen significan­tly more Russian bank assets than any other country – £258.8 billion against £240bn by the US and only £33.8bn by the EU. Meanwhile, both the US and UK have stopped clearing transactio­ns in dollars and Sterling but the EU continues to allow Russian clearing in euros.

The reality is, when it comes to economic sanctions other countries have been dragging their feet and are now playing catch-up.

In the last 18 months Russian exports to the EU have doubled, yet in the same time frame UK exports to the EU have increased by 3.6 per cent. This reflects, no doubt, the growth in EU countries buying Russian energy, so leaving themselves open to blackmail. Russian gas is 7 per cent of British consumptio­n but 55 per cent of German demand. Johnson should now ban the importing of Russian gas and order that gas comes from Qatar, meeting any difference in cost as a mark of our support for Ukraine’s independen­ce.

I welcome the EU’S economic mobilisati­on against Russia, but there is no mistaking it is reluctant and late.

I’ll leave the last word with the Ukrainian Ambassador, Vadym Prystaiko, who was given a standing ovation in the House of Commons last week and has nothing but praise for Britain. His words are clear and we should take comfort in them, “Your nation is so much at the forefront of the internatio­nal effort that sometimes I think: ‘Where are the rest of them?’ ”

Slava Ukraini.

Brian Monteith is editor of Thinkscotl­and and a former member of the Scottish and European Parliament­s.

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2 Boris Johnson has urged European leaders to get tougher on Russia

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