The Scotsman

SNP Westminste­r leader insists Trident should be axed ‘because of threat posed to world from nuclear weapons’


Ian Blackford has reiterated the SNP'S commitment to removing Trident, as he suggested the UK'S nuclear deterrent should go precisely because there is a "threat to the world from nuclear weapons".

The SNP Westminste­r leader was asked whether Russia's invasion of Ukraine had changed his party's position on the nuclear deterrent.

Russia has recently raised the spectre of a nuclear war, reporting that its land, air and seanuclear­forceswere­onhigh alert following orders from President Vladimir Putin.

Nato itself has no nuclear weapons, but three of its members do: the United States, the UK and France.

Mr Blackford reiterated his party's commitment that the UK gets rid of its Scotlandba­sed Trident nuclear deterrent, saying: "No, [the party position has not changed]. Absolutely not at all, because there is a threat to the world from nuclear weapons.

"The idea that having nuclear weapons provides a deterrence that removes that threat is far-fetched, to say the least."

Mr Blackford also rejected claims put forward by Defence Secretary Ben Wallace that an independen­tscotlandw­ouldbe more vulnerable to terrorism threatsand­russianagg­ression if it became independen­t.

He said: "Well, I think he makes a lot of wrong assumption­s. One of the wrong assumption­s that he makes is that Scotland would be standing alone. Scotland wouldn't be standing alone."

Mr Blackford added: "An independen­t Scotland would seek to be a member of Nato. We would be alongside our friends or partners in the Western world, and we would want to make sure that we're taking our responsibi­lities for defence and security."

On whether an independen­t

Scotland would be able to join Nato, Mr Blackford appeared positive given its "strategic importance".

He said: "I think Nato made it clear that it seeks to work with those that apply for membership. And I think given our strategic importance, and our desire to be a constructi­ve voice within the family of nations of Nato... just as we would be back in Europe as well.

"Let's not forget the importance of defence and security in Europe. I look forward to the constructi­ve discussion­s that we will have."

 ?? ?? 0 Ben Wallace said Scotland would be vulnerable to attack
0 Ben Wallace said Scotland would be vulnerable to attack

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