The Scotsman

Blackford on independen­ce: ‘All I am focusing on is Ukraine crisis’


The SNP’S leader at Westminste­r has dampened hopes among pro-independen­ce supporters of a referendum next year by saying it should “take place in a timely manner” and that the short-term focus must be on Ukraine.

Last month First Minister Nicola Sturgeon insisted a vote will take place by the end of 2023, despite the power to hold a legally-binding referendum resting with the UK g overnment.

But Mr Blackford said that the SNP must be "respectful of the responsibi­lities" it has following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

He cautioned those wanting immediate progress on organising a second vote on independen­ce to be "mindful of where we are" given events elsewhere in the world.

At the beginning of February, Ms Sturgeon confirmed "preparator­y work is under way" to enable a second vote to be held – a commitment both the SNP and their Scottish Green Party partners in government made in their manifestos for last year's Holyrood elections.

Less than a month later, though, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his long-feared "full-scale invasion" of Ukraine, making the risk of confrontat­ion between Russia and the Western alliance a tangible possibilit­y.

Mr Blackford, speaking to the PA news agency, weighed his words carefully when asked about his party's plans for independen­ce.

The MP for Ross, Skye and Lochaber took a long pause, before saying "we have got to

be respectful of the situation that we are in" and insisting "the only thing I am focusing on today is Ukraine".

He said: "We have got to be respectful of the responsibi­lities that we have in the short term, but I'm also respectful to the principle that we have a mandate for an independen­ce referendum.

"I want that referendum to take place in a timely manner. I want us to be able to execute the mandate that we have.

"To those that are expressing a desire for us to get on with our job, of course, we will do so, but we have to be mindful of where we are."

When pressed further on whether indyref2 will be delayed by the war in Ukraine, just like it was by the Covid-19 pandemic, Mr Blackford said: "Well, we have to play the ball where it lies just now and the only thing that I'm focusing on today is Ukraine."

Unlike previous weeks Mr

Blackford was not clear on whether it would be a good thing for Boris Johnson to fall on his sword now.

He said: "There's a time and a place, and there are circumstan­ces. We all have to be in recognitio­n of the place we are in and the responsibi­lities that we have. I will not change my position, what I believe fundamenta­lly the Prime Minister should do, but we have to deal with the here and now."

On the UK response to the crisis,

Mr Blackford spoke about the importance of the Prime Minister, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and the devolved administra­tions "showing a united front to Putin".

He added: "We're talking about life and death. And we're talking about the potential for war for all of us. I think there is that responsibi­lity that at times like this, where we can, we have to stand together."

 ?? ?? Ian Blackford cautioned those wanting to press ahead with indyref2 to be ‘mindful of where we are’ given events elsewhere in the world
Ian Blackford cautioned those wanting to press ahead with indyref2 to be ‘mindful of where we are’ given events elsewhere in the world

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