The Scotsman

Forestry’s getting back on its feet after Storm Arwen

After the initial shock, the industry has assessed the situation and worked out a strategy,

- says Andy Leitch

It's been two months since Storm Arwen battered Scotland – but the impact on forests in some areas will continue for decades.

Millions of trees were blown over, or snapped, in this once-in-a-generation­weather event. it stunned even the most experience­d foresters, who had to completely rethink detailed plans for managing their woodlands.

Will anderson, ac on for board member and Chief Executive of Sea field& Strathspey Estates, put it like this: “After 35 years working in forestry, I’ve seen plenty of storm damage. But Storm Arwen was something else.”

Arw en cut a destructiv­e path through huge parts of scotland. especially badlyaffec­ted were aberdeen shire, angus and Perthshire, while another swathe ran through east lothian and the scottish Borders into Dumfries & Galloway. Paths and tracks are still being cleared, while aerial photograph­y, satellitei­mage ryan don-ground observatio­n is being carefully and constantly analysed to understand the best way to handle the storm's impacts.

The forestry industry has worked with the public forest bodies to create an app, which allows satellite data to be validated on the ground. This informatio­n is shared, to decide where trees need to be removed – and which wood processors might take them.

Our industry supply chain is carefully-planned and when so many trees fall in an unexpected way, it creates challenges. An estimated 1.5 million tonnes of timber was brought down in Scotland – 20 per cent of the annual planned timber harvest in one storm!

Latest estimates suggest six-eight

million trees were blown over, or snapped by Arwen. When the tree snaps, it can take more time to deal with and its value is reduced, as sawmills want long, straight logs – especially for use in constructi­on. This is important; more than 80 perccent of new homes built in Scotland use timber frames, a very sustainabl­e method of constructi­on and crucial to Scotland’s 2045 net zero target.

Another challenge comes from the impact on scots pine when it lies on the forest floor. Within a few months, fallen pine can suffer from 'blue-stain', a fungal discoloura­tion which makes it less attractive.

We are also working hard to ensure resources, both skilled people and machines, are deployed in the right place sat the right time. these resources are limited, so Con for is working closely with members, and the public bodies, to deploy these finite resources as best we can. We're a cooperativ­e industry which works well in a crisis and we get our heads together regularly to plan the next steps carefully. After the initial shock of Storm Arwen, the supply chain has assessed the situation, considered the options, and worked out a strategy.

That means tackling urgent safety issues, then ensuring fallen wood gets to the market, then looking ahead – as we plan how to replant the worstaffec­ted areas. It will take decades for new trees to grow, but forestry is a long-term business – and for the sake of our environmen­t and our rural economies, those trees will be replanted. Storm Arwen might have battered large parts of Scotland, and our industry, but we' re back on our feet. we go again. Andy Leitch is Deputy Chief Executive of Confor: promoting forestry and wood

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