The Scotsman

Murder of Esther Brown shows glaring flaws in the justice system


The procedures in place to protect people from repeat sex offenders “clearly didn’t work” in the case of the rape and murder of Esther Brown, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has admitted.

Speaking at First Minister’s Question, Ms Sturgeon said there were processes in place to “minimise risks” caused by registered sex offenders.

The case of 67-year-old Ms Brown, who was raped and murdered in her own home by Jason Graham, a registered sex offender with 23 previous conviction­s, was raised by Scottish Conservati­ve leader Douglas Ross in relation to proposed reforms of the release of prisoners.

Mr Ross said the 19-year jail term that Graham received on Wednesday was “a long sentence, but not nearly long enough for such a horrific crime”.

The Scottish Government this week launched a consultati­on into the use of bail and remand, which proposed some criminals could be eligible for release after just a third of their sentence.

Mr Ross said the government document also suggested short-term prisoners could receive automatic early release after just a third of their time served, despite Nicola Sturgeon previously promising to end the practice.

He said: “The tragic case of Esther Brown is yet another damning example of the glaring flaws in Scotland’s justice system.

"Jason Graham was released early. He wasn’t monitored properly. Grave mistakes were made – and this is not an isolated example.

"Nicola Sturgeon cannot honestly say that her government’s approach to justice is keeping Scottish people safe.

“She hasn’t delivered a promise from six years ago to end automatic early release and, as a result, more dangerous offenders are being released early all the time. The SNP’S latest consultati­on would take our justice system even further in the wrong direction, risking public safety.”

He added: “It’s too late for Esther Brown, but this must change.

"Scottish Conservati­ve plans for a Victims’ Law would restore confidence that is sadly lacking. Far too often in the SNP’S soft-touch justice system, criminals are put first, not victims.”

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