The Scotsman

End in sight for Dundas legacy in Canada


Officials in Canada’s biggest city have concluded that Henry Dundas helped perpetuate the slave trade, adding weight to a growing campaign to banish the name of the Scottish politician from its streets.

A review of Dundas’s legacy by authoritie­s in Toronto, aimed at better understand­ing how commemorat­ions of the Scot impact on the city’s black and indigenous communitie­s, ruled that his actions paved the way for the enslavemen­t and traffickin­g across the Atlantic of more than half a million Africans.

In Edinburgh, the council has put in place a permanent interpreta­tive plaque at the Melville Monument in St Andrew Square so as to explain Dundas's role in delaying abolition at the Melville Monument, an issue which hascomeund­erfiercesc­rutiny in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Toronto, like other cities around the world, is wrestling with how best to reassess civic tributes to those who had connection­s with the slave trade. One of its most prominent thoroughfa­res is named after Dundas.

A petition campaign to rename the street has already attracted upwards of 14,500 signatorie­s. A decision is not expected to be made until next month.

The three-page “recognitio­n review” draws on research by academics including the University of Glasgow’s Dr Stephen Mullen, who has said there is unequivoca­l evidence to show Dundas delayed abolition for vested interests.

Some of Dundas’s supporters have framed his decision to secure an amendment for a 1792 bill bought by William Wilberforc­e, so as to ensure abolition was gradual, as an act of compromise.

However, the Toronto report makes clear that in the aftermath

of the parliament­ary debate, Dundas demonstrat­ed a clear opposition to abolition, and repeatedly opposed a series of subsequent bills over the following years.

The report states: “Whatever the motivation behind his amendment may have been, the consequenc­es of Dundas's actions are clear. Whether he is viewed cynically or as a pragmatist, his actions and those of the British government he served contribute­d to the perpetuati­on of the enslavemen­t of human beings.

“Though Dundas's amendment was adopted and a date for abolition was proposed for 1796, the bill was never enacted by the House of Lords. It would be 1807 before the Slave Trade Act was finally passed.”

It adds: “During this time, more than half a million Africans were enslaved and trafficked across the Atlantic, many to British colonies.”

Andrew Lochhead, who started the campaign to rename Dundas Street in Toronto, said Dundas and others like him actively worked toward “preserving systems of racial inequality and exploitati­on.”

He said: “If we truly wish for our public street names and monuments to reflect our values and priorities we must consider engaging the public in the process of excising those names which are no longer worthy of our honour or respect.”

 ??  ?? 0 People hold up signs during a Black Lives Matters protest in Yonge-dundas Square in Toronto, Canada
0 People hold up signs during a Black Lives Matters protest in Yonge-dundas Square in Toronto, Canada

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