The Scotsman

Sturgeon: I’ll serve another five years

●First Minister commits to stay for full term following an election victory


Nicola Sturgeon has vowed to serve a full five-year term if re-elected as Scotland's First Minister - but refused to say if she may run for another term in office after that.

The SNP leader, who has been First Minister since 2014, said she was "putting herself forward for a full term of office" in the post.

That would see her serving almost 12 years at the head of the Scottish Government.

That would be longer than the 11 years Margaret Thatcher – who famously declared in a post-election interview in 1987 that she wanted to go “on and on” – spent in Downing Street as Tory prime minister.

But Ms Sturgeon refused to commit to fighting another campaign as SNP leader in 2026.

Asked what would happen then, she said: "I am fighting this election campaign, I am putting myself forward for a full term of office as First Minister, should the people of Scotland elect me. And that is entirely up to the people of Scotland.

"And frankly I will think about the next election when we get closer to that.

"One of the things I have learned... is to take every election as it comes and not take the voters or the country for granted."

The First Minister also said Alex Salmond’s attempt to be returned to Holyrood “sent the wrong message” to women about what behaviour was acceptable in public life, and revealed that his standing for election was “not easy” for some of the women who had complained about his behaviour in the past.

Speaking to journalist­s yesterday in between election campaign

stops, Ms Sturgeon was asked about the impact of Mr Salmond’s return to frontline politics and whether his motivation for taking leadership of the Alba Party and standing in the regional list in the north east of Scotland was a form of “revenge”.

"You have have to ask him that,” she said. “But I don’t think it’s [the Alba Party] a help to the independen­ce cause. If anything it hinders it.

"I don’t know what they stand for. Independen­ce for me is about the kind of country you’re trying to build and I don’t know what their vision for that is, and if it gets the Nigel Farage seal of approval I don’t think its necessaril­y a vision I would sign up to.

“I could choose more diplomatic language, but sometimes you have to say it as you see it, that I think there are questions about the appropriat­eness of Alex Salmond’s return to public office.

“I know some of the women who made complaints against him and I know it’s not making things easier for them.

"If you have someone who has behaved, in some ways by his own admission inappropri­ately towards women – though not criminally and no-one is arguing that – and can’t even seem to accept that he was inappropri­ate let alone apologise for it, it does pose risks of sending entirely the wrong message to people and women in particular.”

Referring to the recent poll that put Alba on just 3 per cent, which would mean none of its candidates would be elected, Ms Sturgeon said it was taken at too early a stage to “rest too much on it”, but warned proindepen­dence voters not to “gamble” with their vote and “risk jeopardisi­ng the SNP majority”.

She said she did not support Mr Salmond’s tactics to produce a super-majority of pro-independen­ce parties at Holyrood.

“I’m a believer that we have to persuade people to support independen­ce, win people’s trust, build confidence in independen­ce, which I think we’ve been making progress on,” she said.

"You can’t bulldoze your way to independen­ce and I don’t think the tone and approach of the Alba Party is likely to attract undecided former no voters. It’s more likely to put them off.”

Asked if she would be happy to share a TV debate platform with Mr Salmond, she said: “I don’t get to decide who appears. I’ll be there representi­ng the SNP. Looking at it objectivel­y in terms of the conditions I understand have to be met, I can’t see his party meets those conditions, but that’s a matter for the broadcaste­rs and Ofcom.”

And on the MPS who have defected to Alba from the SNP, Ms Sturgeon said: “People make up their own mind about what party they want to be members of. I suspect Alex Salmond would have been expecting a bigger defection of elected SNP representa­tives to his new party.

"Kenny Macaskill has not been comfortabl­e in the SNP for some time and he’s made his decision. He should remember though he was elected as an MP as an SNP candidate and perhaps we should all be clearer that when somebody moves party, they maybe have a duty to allow the voters to decide that.”

Ms Sturgeon reiterated that a second independen­ce referendum would have to wait until the Covid crisis has passed – the timing of that, she said, would be for the new parliament to judge, though the World Health Organisati­on view on when the pandemic is over would be “part of that”.

She said: “As we come out of the crisis, recovery is not a neutral concept. What kind of country you want to recover to involves values-based judgements and involves making the right policy choices and that’s where the question of where decisionma­king powers lies becomes important, and in that context the question and decision about independen­ce becomes important, but for as long as necessary my focus will be on getting the country through the Covid crisis.”

However, the First Minister admitted the SNP as a party had begun the “work and preparatio­n” on a second referendum, though the government focus was on Covid.

She also said there was no reason to change the form of question in any new vote on independen­ce and it should remain a Yes or No choice.

“We used the question in 2014,” she said.

“I have not heard from anyone, apart from politician­s with a vested interest, that it wasn’t intelligib­le and understand­able, so I don’t see why we wouldn’t use the question again, and the onus must be on those arguing something different to make that case.”

She added: “I don’t see independen­ce as leaving somewhere. We’re not going anywhere, we’re just changing our relationsh­ip with the rest of UK and British isles.”

 ??  ?? Nicola Sturgeon speaks to the media after visiting the Roots, Fruits and Flowers store in Glasgow’s West End while on the campaign trail for the forthcomin­g election
Nicola Sturgeon speaks to the media after visiting the Roots, Fruits and Flowers store in Glasgow’s West End while on the campaign trail for the forthcomin­g election
 ??  ?? 0 Nicola Sturgeon: ‘Taking every election as it comes’
0 Nicola Sturgeon: ‘Taking every election as it comes’

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