The Scotsman

Your life in the stars

- Cassandra Nye


21 Mar - 20 Apr

For too long, it has been two steps forward and one step back. Feel the support of others around you and seek out someone special.


21Apr-20may Something comes to an end this week. You are now able to let go of some of that stress and anxiety. Be positive and you will be rewarded.


21May-20jun Some friendship­s may be stronger and others have disappoint­ed. Getting an overall picture should be clear enough.



A more positive week in which you see a sense of balance come back. It may be necessary to tiptoe around folk who you would normally avoid.


23 Jul - 22 Aug

Ready to turn a corner in your everyday life? Well, this is not the time to be looking back. A full thrust forward is what is needed.


23 Aug - 21 Sep Strong feelings bring back the optimism that has perhaps slipped away? We are all making adjustment­s. It’s time to prosper.



Face up to any changes that are happening and try to mould them to your needs. No longer are you playing a waiting game.


23 Oct - 21 Nov

This is not a week to criticise your performanc­e but to count your blessings. You are stronger than you thought and deserve a boost.


22Nov-21dec Your strength is in your ability to keep going when others lose hope. Some may think it foolish and others admire you for it. Who is right?



The chances are that you have found out that not everyone you know is who you thought they were in an emotional sense. Don’t dwell on it.


21 Jan - 18 Feb

A loved one is so full of joy at your situation that they may seem a bit emotional. Take it in your stride and be kind. We are all different.



Feeling obliged to someone who has been helpful? Don’t overreact. Take time to think and then make sure you do the right thing. ■

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