The Scotsman

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It’s sad to see that despite the current Covid-19 pandemic, and the need for volunteers amongst various charitable organisati­ons apparent now more than ever, that some people still have their heads buried deeply in the sands of constituti­onal change.

In the real world outwith The Scotsman Letters page, I haven’t heard anyone in my family, workplace, golf club or local pub talk about

independen­ce for a long time.

Surely senior politician­s like Gordon Brown, Keir Starmer, Jackson Carlaw and Willie Rennie can’t all be trying to “do Scotland down”? Has it ever occurred to nationalis­ts that, just perhaps, these politician­s care deeply for Scotland and do not want to inflict the damage on the Scottish people that independen­ce would bring?

I can’t see there being any Indyref2 for at least the next 20 years, but even if there

were, and if hypothetic­ally, the vote were in favour of independen­ce, why would those in favour of the status quo accept the result when the SNP have never accepted the 2014 result? Personally, I would hoist the flag of St George in my garden and declare the land my property sits on part of England before I’d ever be part of an independen­t Scotland governed by the pretendy parliament at Holyrood.

ANDREW HAMILTON Forth Street, North Berwick

The Scotsman welcomes letters for publicatio­n – 300 words maximum – from all sides of public debate. Include date and page when referring to an article, avoid ‘Letters to the Editor in e-mail subject line. No attachment­s. We reserve the right to edit letters. Send submission­s, with full address and phone number, to:

❚ ❚ The Editor, The Scotsman, 30 Queensferr­y Road, Edinburgh EH4 2HS;

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