The Scotsman

Ministers ‘absolutely intend’ to hold firm on climate change talks in Glasgow

● No 10 plans to go ahead next year ● Questions over greenhouse gas targets


The UK Government still intends to hold the Cop26 talks in Glasgow despite the summit being postponed due to coronaviru­s.

The delay to the UN climate talks due to take place in November already looked inevitable before the official announceme­nt on Wednesday night.

A Downing Street spokesman said yesterday: “The intention is to go ahead with the summit next year. We will be working with our internatio­nal partners on the precise date but it does absolutely remain the intention for it to be held in Glasgow.

“There was a discussion between ourselves and our intentiona­l partners and it was felt that at a time when the world is focused on dealing with the global pandemic and saving as many lives as possible that it made practical sense in order to postpone Cop, to hold it next year and to work hard on ensuring that it is a great success.

“It remains a hugely important event.”

The postponeme­nt leaves questions over action by countries that need to increase ambitions to cut greenhouse gases to avoid the worst impacts of global warming.

The UN and UK announced the Cop26 climate summit the most important since the Paris Agreement was secured in 2015 - would be delayed to 2021 as nations grapple with Covid-19 infection, lockdowns and economic fallout.

Experts and campaigner­s have warned the pandemic has not paused the climate crisis and are urging government­s to use economic stimulus packages they will draw up in response to Covid-19 to rebuild sustainabl­y.

Former UN climate chief Christiana Figueres said: “If government­s put health, nature regenerati­on and climate action at the core of every decision they make in recovering from this pandemic, we can emerge as a stronger and more resilient society, and ensure the Cop26 puts us on track to a safer climate future.”

The short-term impact of measures to tackle the pandemic has seen falls in air pollution, emissions and energy demand, as airlines ground their fleets, people stay home and industry is closed down.

But any pollution “wins” from countries grinding to a halt could be quickly undone as they gear up again, especially if government­s and industries use the crisis to undo existing regulation­s such as vehicle emissions standards.

Professor Chris Hilson, director of the Reading Centre for Climate and Justice at the University of Reading, said: “What government should be doing instead is to make state support for businesses conditiona­l on them committing to meeting climate targets.

“They also need to use weakened oil prices to remove fossil fuel subsidies.”

The delay to the talks gives countries currently focused on the immediate health crisis more time to submit updated plans for more ambitious emissions cuts, as they are expected to under the Paris deal.

The diplomatic timetable was already tight for the UK to show leadership by setting out its policies to meet its target to cut emissions to net zero by 2050, and get key countries to update their own plans.

With the pandemic, that timetable became impossible, and the groundwork - including preparator­y meetings - for a successful summit would not have been laid.

Prof Mark Maslin, professor of climatolog­y at University College London, said the delay was a “blessing in disguise” as the Government was nowhere near ready to lead such important internatio­nal negotiatio­ns.

“Now we have time to prepare properly and learn lessons from the unpreceden­ted global response to Covid-19 to how best to deal with climate change.”

The Covid-19 response showed the critical central role of government­s, rather than markets, in looking after the health and safety of society and should be used to tackle climate change, he said.

The European Union said it is on track to set out plans to cut emissions by 50-55 per cent by 2030 in September, one of the key milestones in the Cop26 build-up.

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