The Scotsman

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both think the electorate is stupid.

Not a Lemming A choice between leaving the UK and joining the EU via an independen­t Scotland. You’re kidding Nicola, right? The point the SNP are missing here is that their current position in the polls is about to evaporate, as people digest what it is the SNP are actually offering. Wanting to remain in the EU and the UK is a better bet – and you can get that by voting Lib Dem.

S Mcduck

I don’t think the SNP wants independen­ce, if they did, surely they would, over quite a few years, be sorting our economy out, getting rid of the deficit, getting taxes down and building Scotland’s economy so we say to the UK, keep Barnett, we don’t need the £14bn from you. Then we can think about independen­ce...

Scouser in Scotland

In the 2017 general election

– in which the SNP led by Ms Sturgeon lost a staggering 38 per cent of its MPS – only 24.5 per cent of the electorate in Scotland voted for the SNP. That’s a mandate for the people of Scotland to tell Mrs Sturgeon to shut it about a twice in a generation separation referendum.

Ahm No Bluffin

European citizens living in Scotland may not be applying for settled status because of their “incredulit­y” at having to do so, the Brexit secretary said. Mike Russell suggested that could be one reason the number of EU citizens registerin­g to remain north of the Border is lower than it is for the UK as a whole.

They’re bound to feel more relaxed if nobody is hounding them or kidding them along that they’re loved and precious, purely to contribute to the economy. It’s enough to make anyone turn on their heels and flee.

Bea.sutherland So, European citizens are LESS incredulou­s south of the Border and MORE incredulou­s north of the Border? That’s the basis of today’s grievance to stir up the “them” and “us” and the

SNP way to claim they want the powers of citizenshi­p devolved? What a stupid argument.

Happier Bus Traveller Oh for God’s sake... I spent 12 years in France and can confidentl­y state that the level of bureaucrac­y and form filling that EU citizens in the UK have to endure, even with Brexit, is as nothing in comparison with what any Brit currently needs to do there. I never thought of it as “offensive” or “very wounding”, just something you have to put up with if you live in a country that is not your own.

FC I saw the ad on a bus shelter yesterday and just knew someone would complain. Why do people expect things to be handed on a plate and complain if they have to do a bit of work, like filling out a form, to get something THEY want? Far too much of this entitlemen­t society.


EU citizens are welcome to stay, as mentioned in the two withdrawal agreements turned down by the SNP.

Grumpy Must mean they’re a lot more content and relaxed south of the Border...

Off the Grid

If EU citizens are “incredulou­s”, what does that make Russell? They are more likely to be incredulou­s at having to pay more income tax than if they lived in Carlisle or Newcastle.

Vides Soracte

Maybe it’s because Sturgeon threatened them with being emptied out of Scotland with independen­ce five years ago?

Paul Holyrood

It’s the same in most EU countries. I worked in the Netherland­s and you needed an ID card from immigratio­n police to be able to open a bank account and the equivalent of an N.I. number. Only the UK lets EU nationals enter with no checks.


 ??  ?? 0 While walking in the Trossachs’ Achray Forest, Robert Mckendrick from Galashiels photograph­ed these ghost-like reflective sculptures by the environmen­tal artist Rob Mulholland
0 While walking in the Trossachs’ Achray Forest, Robert Mckendrick from Galashiels photograph­ed these ghost-like reflective sculptures by the environmen­tal artist Rob Mulholland

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