The Scotsman

Promise ditched


What a relief. Six whole weeks without Boris Johnson’s do or die Brexit dying in a ditch of his own making. The paralysis in Parliament was all down to Theresa May calling an election to boost Tory numbers to get Brexit through, and losing her majority instead, and her subsequent stubborn refusal to compromise. There were too many sensible people voting against Boris Johnson’s hard Brexit. Boris much preferred holding an election to being forced to fulfil his promise of more police, more NHS spending, more money for Scotland etc.

Instead we have six weeks to consider the SNP’S independen­ce plans. They are looking to secure 59 seats out of 59 to show Scotland wants out of the UK and into the EU. This could be the most important election for a generation, and it could turn into an independen­ce referendum.

So, let’s make the election all about the loss of the £14 bilical lion Barnett formula money, the austerity needed to provide even basic services, the whopping tax increases and the SNP’S plans to go back into the EU, even though a million Scots voted to Leave.

For Labour, it is said to be all about Jeremy Corbyn, which is odd as he will not be on any ballot paper here and they are promising an end to austerity, building lots of truly affordable houses, more investment in the NHS and renational­ising the railways, something everyone can agree on.

PHIL TATE Craiglockh­art Road, Edinburgh

I had it from the highest government authority that this year’s Hallowe’en would be the scariest ever – the corpse of a blonde charlatan would be found lying in a ditch! Well, I’ve looked carefully in all the ditches round here and haven’t found the cadaver. Such disappoint­ment.

Have I been looking in the wrong ditches? Or maybe we can’t trust anything that this government says.

BILL COOPER Highfield Circle, Kinross

For the last three years politician­s have sought publicity and media attention with no attempt to carry out their day jobs, such as sorting out education and roads. I have come to the conclusion that if they were chocolate they would eat themselves.

MARGARET WALLACE Broomfield Avenue, Cumnock

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