The Scotsman

Joyce Mcmillan


As the stage version of Kate Grenville’s epic novel The Secret River gets ready for its European premiere, she tells about the moment she knew she had to tackle the story

It was in the year 2000, during a historic walk for reconcilia­tion across Sydney Harbour Bridge, that Kate Grenville’s life as a writer changed for good. Born in Sydney in 1950, she was already the highly successful author of five novels, one of which, The Idea of Perfection, had just won the UK’S Orange Prize for fiction by women; and her fiction always touched on stories of how individual human beings make history, often by trying to free themselves from old expectatio­ns and stereotype­s.

By the turn of the millennium, though, she was also increasing­ly drawn to the movement for reconcilia­tion between indigenous and non-indigenous Australian­s; and along with 250,000 others, on 28 May 2000 she joined what became the largest political demonstrat­ion in Australian history, walking across Sydney Harbour Bridge from north to south.

Grenville knew that her own ancestor, Solomon Wiseman, had been an English convict, transporte­d to New South Wales in 1805. She knew that he had “taken up land” near the Hawkesbury River, 45 miles north of Sydney; she knew that must have previously been the homeland of the aboriginal people of the area, known as the Dharug people. Yet somehow, the cause of reconcilia­tion still seemed more like a political campaign than a profoundly personal matter; until Grenville neared the south end of the bridge, during that walk, and saw a group of aboriginal

women standing watching, from a point near the place where the first transporte­d convicts were landed more than two centuries ago. “As we passed,” says Grenville, “my eyes just met the eyes of one of those women; and we exchanged this long look – of connection, recognitio­n, mutual acknowledg­ement.

“And suddenly, I just felt this jolt of awareness that this woman’s ancestors could have been the very people driven from their land by my great-great-great grandfathe­r. They could have met him. And from that moment, I knew that I personally had unfinished business with this story. I had to find out what happened; so I began to research the family history, with a view to possibly writing a nonfiction book about it.”

As Grenville researched, though, what she mainly found – when it came to the aboriginal people – was silence. There was plenty of informatio­n about how Solomon Wiseman eventually won his pardon, built up his ferrying business, and founded a small town called Wiseman’s Ferry; but about the aboriginal­s, and what she increasing­ly knew must have been their terrible fate, almost nothing. In the end, she realised that in order to reach the truth of what had happened, she would have to take to fiction; and the result was her acclaimed 2005 novel The Secret River, now transforme­d by Sydney Theatre Company into an awardwinni­ng stage show, which will receive its European premiere at From top: The colonists in novelist Kate Grenville, director Neil Armfield, and two of the cast this year’s Edinburgh Internatio­nal Festival.

The central character of the novel, William Thornhill, is a fictional version of Solomon Wiseman, a convict arriving in New South Wales in 1806 with his wife Sal; but for Grenville, this was a very different experience from writing her other fictional works. “It was incredibly painful and confrontin­g,” says Grenville, “because it came straight out of this awareness that I personally am part of this great wave displaceme­nt and dispossess­ion on which modern Australia was founded. And right from the start, ordinary readers just seemed to love this book; many of them said they were grateful that this slice of our past had finally been told in such an accessible form. Aboriginal people were incredibly supportive – it was very moving.

“There were historians who objected to the use of fiction to tell the story; but I felt that behind some of the technical objections, there was a feeling that some people would rather it wasn’t told at all. In Australia, many of us have a “black armband” view of history, which involves mourning for what happened in our past; but we also have what we call “white blindfold” – the wish of some nonindigen­ous Australian­s to pretend that it simply didn’t happen.”

In the years since it was published, The Secret River has become a global bestseller, and in 2015 it was broadcast as a two-part Australian TV mini-series, which Grenville

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