The Scotsman

Brexit debacle


Since the start of the referendum campaign, Brexiters have consistent­ly failed to offer any coherent alternativ­e to Britain’s EU membership which would provide the nation with equivalent prosperity.

The destabilis­ing folly of leaving the European Union is now glaringly obvious, but still denied by Leavers whose

devotion to a discredite­d cause borders on fanaticism.

Constructi­ve debate on how to find a solution to the impasse has been hindered by irresponsi­ble parts of the media whose first concern is to increase their audiences through generating facile controvers­y fuelled by unhelpful chauvinism.

The referendum was a mismanaged mistake held merely to settle internal Tory feuds.

It’s high time that decisions and legislatio­n on complex matters once again becomes the sole responsibi­lity of elected representa­tives, though whether Westminste­r is any longer a fit and proper system for them to adequately dis charge their proper responsibi­lties is another matter.

But there’s growing frustratio­n at the ineptitude of our body politic and failure to fix it will hasten the breakup of the UK.

ANTHONY O’DONNELL Dean Park Crescent, Edinburgh

In 2016 Leavers promised they would restore the parliament­ary sovereignt­y they claimed had been lost to Brussels. Since then they have turned Westminste­r into a theatre of anarchy unable to agree on anything. A nation once admired for its robust institutio­ns and pragmatic democracy has been turned into a joke.

The EU has now more say in our affairs than it has ever. A delay is in its gift and requires unanimous consent. Theresa May’s halfbaked deal, much worse than “remaining”, is getting closer to the winning post and may succeed on its third (or fourth) attempt. Is this really taking back control?


Howard Place, St Andrews

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