The Scotsman

May to face critics in bid to make them toe the line


Theresa May will face the powerful committee of backbench Conservati­ves this evening in a bid to stamp her authority on her divided party.

The Prime Minister will seek a public show of loyalty from her MPS amid disquiet among Brexiteers over proposals to extend the post-brexit transition period and keep the UK in a customs union with the EU.

It comes amid speculatio­n that the number of letters from MPS to the chairman of the 1922 Committee formally expressing noconfiden­ce in Mrs May’s leadership is approachin­g 48, a figure that would trigger a leadership election.

Meanwhile, reports suggest the EU is ready to consider a Uk-wide customs arrangemen­t as part of the “backstop” to avoid a hard border in Ireland. Irish broadcaste­r RTE said this would be negotiated after Brexit as a separate treaty, with reference to a Uk-wide customs union included in the text of the UK’S withdrawal agreement.

The proposal is unlikely to break the deadlock over the Irish border on its own, as it would not replace EU demands for Northern Ireland-specific measures rejected by London as a threat to the Union.

Cabinet will get weekly updates on talks and preparatio­ns for a no-deal exit, Downing Street said.

The updates will be provided by Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab, who said “good progress” was being made.

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