The Scotsman

Eurozone frustratio­n at Greeks


EUROZONE leaders hit out at Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras for failing to present written proposals to save his country from economic ruin at a summit in Brussels yesterday.

Lithuanian president Dalia Grybauskai­te said: “There was a promise for today. Then, they’re promising for tomorrow. For the Greek government it’s every time ‘manana’.”

GREEK prime minister Alexis Tsipras was met with anger at a summit of eurozone leaders in Brussels after it became clear he had no written proposals on how to save his country from financial wipe-out.

With Greece’s banks just days away from a potential collapse that could drag the country out of the euro, Mr Tsipras had yesterday been expected to offer up economic reforms to tackle his country’s £230 billion debt mountain in exchange for loans.

Instead, his government said it would present a plan today.

The newly appointed Greek finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos failed to provide any new “concrete proposals” on its debt crisis on how his country could win support for a financial bailout at yesterday’s hastily called meeting of eurozone finance ministers.

Instead, Mr Tsakalotos provided an update of the financial crisis in Greece.

Mr Tsipras is to address the European Parliament today in a last-ditch bid to obtain substantia­l debt relief.

Lithuanian president Dalia Grybauskai­te said: “You know, there was a promise for today. Then, they’re promising for tomorrow. For the Greek government it’s every time, ‘manana’.”

Mr Tsipras had been buoyed by a triumph in Sunday’s referendum, where an overwhelmi­ng majority of Greeks backed his call to reject the reforms that creditors had last proposed. But domestic victory did not give him much leverage with foreign creditors, who know Mr Tsipras needs a deal soon to keep his country afloat.

Banks have been shut for seven working days and will not reopen before tomorrow, cash withdrawal­s have been limited to around £40, and daily business throughout the country has come to a near standstill.

European leaders expressed surprise Mr Tsipras did not yet have a written proposal for new financial bailout.

Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte said: “I’m extremely sombre about this summit. I’m also sombre about the question of whether Greece really wants to come up with proposals, with a solution.”

Greece’s 18 eurozone partners have steadfastl­y said they want to help Greece stay in the currency, but have just as often complained about the country dragging its feet during months of negotiatio­ns.

German chancellor Angela Merkel warned Mr Tsipras that he was “dancing close to the financial abyss”.

“We are no longer talking about weeks but very few days,” she said.

An official from a eurozone nation said that Greece’s failure to bring clear proposals to an earlier meeting of finance ministers caused widespread frustratio­n.

Mr Tsakalotos instead made a presentati­on and discussed key issues.

“Everybody was angry,” said one official.

The eurozone’s top official, Eurogroup president Jeroen Dijsselblo­em, said he hoped the Greek government would make a written request by last night or this morning to tap Europe’s bailout fund.

Once that request is in, the eurozone finance ministers would hold a teleconfer­ence to discuss the proposals.

One big sticking point in the talks is Greece’s demand that the terms of its bailout loans be made easier.

European officials are split on the issue, with lead eurozone lender Germany still reluctant.

The Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF) last week called for European states to accept longer repayment rates and lower interest rates on their loans to Greece.

Many economists say that Greece’s debt burden, at almost 180 per cent of annual GDP, is unsustaina­ble for a country its size.

Greek banks are running out of cash even after the government shut them last week and placed limits on how much depositors can withdraw or transfer.

Normal commerce is now impossible in Greece. Small businesses, lacking use of credit cards or money from bank accounts, were left to rely on cash coming from diminishin­g purchases from customers.

Greeks are holding on tight to what they have. And suppliers are demanding businesses pay cash up front.

Giorgos Kafkaris, a 77-year-old pensioner, was among Greeks standing in line to withdraw cash at an Athens ATM yesterday.

“I came to get the €120 (£85), I can’t take more. The good thing is we had sorted things out earlier and we had €200-300 set aside,” he said.

“I’m waiting for something better for all of us. I believe something better will happen.”

Mr Tsipras’s appointmen­t of Mr Tsakalotos as the new finance minister to lead talks with creditors was interprete­d as a sign he may be willing to compromise. Mr Tsakalotos, a 55-year-old economist, replaced Yanis Varoufakis, who constantly clashed with his peers.

The lack of progress on Greece worried stock markets in Europe, where the Stoxx 50 index of top companies was down 2.1 per cent yesterday. The euro also fell, while Greece’s stock market has remained shut since last week amid the bank closures.

Greece has been granted two bailout programs worth a total of €240 billion in loans from other eurozone countries and the IMF.

But the spending cuts and tax increases demanded as a condition for the loans have hit growth, causing an economic depression and pushing unemployme­nt to 25 per cent.

The government has been slower than hoped in making the economy more competitiv­e and selling state assets to raise money.

European Commission president Jean Claude Juncker said he wanted to “prevent a Grexit” and called on all those involved to put “ego” to one side in discussion­s in Brussels.

Speaking to the European Parliament, Mr Juncker said it was not clear what the result of Sunday’s referendum meant, as the Greeks had been asked to vote on an out-of-date version of the package on offer from creditors.

“With all due respect to the views expressed by the Greek people, the commission would like to know what this vote means,” said Mr Juncker.

“I’m told that it is not a ‘No’ to Europe. I’m told it’s not a ‘No’ to the euro. It can’t be a ‘No’ to the institutio­ns’ proposals because they were no longer on the table.

“So I would have liked an explanatio­n of the vote from the Greek prime minister. The ball is firmly in the Greek government’s court. Today in Brussels the Greek Government must explain how it plans to move forward in this debacle.”

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Jean Claude Juncker says he wants to prevent a ‘Grexit’

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