The Scotsman

Name game could see a coalition


IF THE phones were not already ringing off the hook at bookies’ offices to place a bet on the election outcome, the calls have multiplied over the weekend – this time on the name the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will choose for their daughter.

Were it purely a Scottish matter, there’s no doubt of the winning name: “Nicola” would be top of the list. But for reasons too complex to go into here, this may be unlikely.

For similar reasons, the names “Samantha”, “Leanne” and “Natalie”, for all their charms, may not figure on the final selection list. Charlotte and Alice are still thought to be front runners but Kensington Palace confirmed that the name would not be announced until at least today. Victoria, Olivia, Elizabeth and Diana are also popular choices.

Bookmaker William Hill said its takings on baby name bets had hit six figures.

Given the febrile UK general election campaign, every care will be taken to ensure that the name will have no political connotatio­n.

But at the same time, it is extremely unlikely that one name on its own will secure an overall majority at Kensington Palace.

In line with long Royal tradition, William and Kate will almost certainly opt for a two-party “baby name coalition” – Victoria Elizabeth, for example, or Charlotte Diana.

Better still would be a grand “three name coalition” – Katherine Margaret Demelza.

And a knock-out four-barrel name should not be ruled out for the fourth in line to the throne: surely Victoria Charlotte Elizabeth Chardonnay would sweep the country – and leave only the bookies in misery.

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