The Scotsman

Oil outlook ‘roughly right’, says advisor


THE Scottish Government has got it “roughly right” with its higher estimates of oil and gas revenues in the coming years, a former economic adviser to the UK’s Scottish Office has said.

Professor Sir Donald MacKay, who also chaired Scottish Enterprise, said lower North Sea prediction­s from the UK economic watchdog the Office for Budget Responsibi­lity (OBR) were “hope- lessly at sea.” The value of oil and gas reserves are at the heart of the independen­ce debate and official figures yesterday showed revenues tumbled by £1.5 billion to just £4 billion in 2013/14.

The SNP Government had predicted double this. But Sir Donald today insists in a new analysis that revenues will be worth £31.4 billion in the five years to 2019 - twice the OBR estimate.

“I would




sce- nario is likely to pass the Keynesian test of being ‘roughly right’ while the OBR’s forecasts are likely to be ‘precisely wrong’ Sir Donald said in a letter to Alex Salmond.

“The OBR is hopelessly at sea when it comes to forecastin­g the price of oil.”

Mr Salmond said it shows the UK Treasury under-estimates the value of oil revenues and called on the No campaign to acknowledg­e ‘‘a bright future’’ for the sector.

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