The Scarborough News

£11.6m scheme approved to combat homelessne­ss

- Anttoni Numminen @TheScarbor­oNews

A multi-million pound project to tackle homelessne­ss with temporary accommodat­ion and support services has been approved by North Yorkshire Council.

The £11.6m scheme will see the creation of 90 new units of temporary accommodat­ion across the county and will focus on Scarboroug­h which is the “greatest area of reliance”.

North Yorkshire Council’s executive met in Scarboroug­h on Tuesday, June 18 to approve the plan which was welcomed as a “financial and moral imperative”.

Speaking at the meeting, Coun Simon Myers, member for housing, said: “Every council has seen increased pressure on temporary accommodat­ion services and in North Yorkshire costs have risen by 400 per cent from 2020.

“At any one time in Scarboroug­h, 40 families are in temporary accommodat­ion at a cost of £32,850 per bed per year.”

He added: “It is particular­ly opportune that we are in Scarboroug­h today because it is here that there is such considerab­le pressure.”

The scheme will see 30 units provided by registered providers and 60 will be bought and built by the council which could bring savings of £1.7m by 2027/28.

Coun Gareth Dadd, member for finance, said: “I want to emphasise the business

case because every penny saved is more money that can be put into frontline services.

“We want to see this delivered – it’s not a cheap project and there are people out there who can benefit and it’s our duty to do this.”

A four-year deadline has been set for constructi­ng and acquiring the properties, including a 20-unit “place of change” supported housing

facility in Scarboroug­h.

Leader of the authority, Coun Carl Les said: “I’d like to do a lot of it faster than the four-year deadline.”

Coun Heather Phillips told the meeting she was “looking forward to seeing it happen in the near future because housing is a major issue in Scarboroug­h”. She added: “I’d like to see the soil broken on a brand new site very soon.”

Currently, the council has access to a ‘core offer’ of 169 units of temporary accommodat­ion.

However, demand has outstrippe­d supply in recent years and the number of homeless households placed in temporary accommodat­ion has exceeded that availabili­ty.

It is reliant on B&Bs and hotel accommodat­ion which are most utilised in Harrogate and Scarboroug­h.

The cost of B&B accommodat­ion is “significan­tly higher than all alternativ­e forms of provision”.

Speaking to the Local Democracy Reporting Service, Coun Myers said: “Rough sleeping is a separate and discrete part of homelessne­ss but many, many people face homelessne­ss.

“We will start acquiring temporary accommodat­ion as soon as possible and in a way, it’s quite easy to deliver but we have to make sure there is also a support service.

“The purpose-built place of change in Scarboroug­h will require more thought regarding location and planning permission, but we are determined and very keen.

“This is needed now and we have to get on with it,” he added.

The council has said it will use £7.4m from its reserves with £4m set to come from a mixture of a Homes England grant and capital and S106 receipts.

Councillor­s also said that following last year’s local Government reorganisa­tion it was “much better placed” to fund the project.

 ?? ?? North Yorkshire Council Executive committee meeting in Scarboroug­h.
North Yorkshire Council Executive committee meeting in Scarboroug­h.

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