The Scarborough News

Auditions under way for Little Shop of Horrors


Scarboroug­h’s YMCA theatre is staging comedy musical Little Shop of Horrors this summer and is holding auditions for those interested in taking part.

Its director will be Duncan Lewis who helmed last year’s production of Jesus Christ Superstar.

Duncan said: “Little Shop is an ambitious production; a popular musical with some big numbers to perform and in particular, some large technical challenges too.”

Little Shop of Horrors tells the story of a poor florist’s assistant who allows his craving for fame and fortune to seduce him into playing nursemaid to a man-eating plant.

Duncan said “One of the greatest challenges for us – apart from working with a man-eating plant – is that it will be a six-week production, running Monday to Thursday each week and therefore we are looking for performers who are willing and able to make this lengthy commitment.

“We wanted something that would really stretch us and provide something very special for Scarboroug­h. Little Shop of Horrors has a huge following and we are really excited to be staging it at the YMCA.

“We expect there to be a real buzz about this production and the experience for everyone who is involved will be very rewarding and something they will remember for a long time. We can’t wait!”

Duncan is looking for a cast of around 18, plus four musicians. Auditions will take place on Wednesday April 15 and Thursday April 16 and anyone aged 12 years or over is welcome to book an audition slot.

Audition forms can be collected from the YMCA reception in St Thomas Street.

Little Shop of Horrors will be staged each Monday to Thursday from July 10 to August 27.

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Duncan Lewis.
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