The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

English vote harms Scottish children


SIr, – All Tory MPs from Scotland, including Kirstene Hair, of Angus, voted to withdraw free school meals from schoolchil­dren in England.

Free school meals in Scotland are devolved. They couldn’t vote on that. But they voted to deprive children in England (which advocates of English votes for English matters would see as none of their business).

However, there is an indirect effect on children in Scotland.

Because so-called “Barnett consequent­ials” take what happens in England as “standard”, there could be a reduction in funding for children in Scotland.

This is how Kirstene Hair “represents” Angus; by depriving children in England, and, indirectly, harming children in Scotland. Dave Coull, Inglis Court, Edzell

Tory and unionists is pathetic. They will line up and troop through the lobbies as the useful fools they are. They could do a DUP-style line in the sand, but no – nothing.

Bertie Armstrong and his team know this is just the start of a betrayal to match Edwards Heath’s “If the price is the destructio­n of the Scottish fishing industry then it is a price that has to be paid.”

They too should look at their position as they have closely aligned themselves in the past with their Tory masters in recent elections. Armstrong’s display to the media recently was toe-curling.

Shame on them all.

Douglas Thomson, St Nicholas Crescent, Banchory, Aberdeensh­ire

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