The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Walkers vote with their feet for best hostel in Scotland


It is said to be the “perfect place” to get away from it all – just a 20-minute walk from Britain’s highest mainline rail station.

But a “green” youth hostel in the wilds of the Scottish Highlands has won more than the hearts of those who stay there – it has been named Hostel or Bunkhouse of the Year in The Great Outdoors Magazine Reader Awards 2024 (TGO Awards).

Loch Ossian Youth Hostel is described as a “traditiona­l but homely eco-hostel hostel” which sits on the southern shore of Loch Ossian and is “the perfect place to stay if you’re looking to get away from it all”.

Loch Ossian is hugely popular with walkers and outdoor enthusiast­s looking to explore and enjoy the remote wilderness of Rannoch Moor.

So they voted in their droves to make the hostel a winner in the TGO Awards, which are a celebratio­n of the best of outdoor culture.

What makes these awards different – and gives extra kudos to the winners – is that it’s outdoor enthusiast­s who decide both the shortlist of category nominees and the results.

In 2024 the nominee with the most votes in each category received a winner award, while those with the second and third most votes both received commended accolades.

Glencoe Youth Hostel also received a commendati­on, just missing out on the top spot.

Both Oban and Durness Smoo hostels also made it onto the shortlist in the same category.

Hostels’ owner, Hostelling Scotland, was delighted.

Margo Paterson, CEO of the charity, said they were voted for by “lovers of the great outdoors”.

“We are also extremely proud that Glencoe Youth Hostel received a highly prized commendati­on, and both Oban and Durness Smoo Youth Hostels also made it onto the category shortlist,” she said.

Loch Ossian Youth Hostel sits on the southern shore of the loch and can only be accessed on foot or by bike from the nearby Corrour railway station – the highest mainline one in the UK, made even more famous by the films Trainspott­ing and the follow-up T2 when Renton (Ewan McGregor) and the gang had a day off from their usual routine and took a trip into the great outdoors.

It’s the only rail station in the UK which can’t be reached by road and it has long been a favourite of hill walkers.

The eco-hostel has locally sourced hydro power compliment­ing the microgener­ated solar power supply, composting toilets, a reed bed grey water drainage system, and even bat-friendly paint.

Accommodat­ion at the hostel is in male and female-specific dorms, but groups and families have the option of booking a dorm for exclusive use.

The hostel has a fully equipped self-catering kitchen, with fridge, and basic provisions, snacks and ready meals are available to purchase. Drying is available on two overhead racks and boot stands by the fire – the perfect place to relax after a day on the hills.

Guests can enjoy a welcome hot shower, thanks to the green energy initiative­s.

In extreme weather the hostel normally remains open during the day. It is also available for exclusive private rental.

Just missing out on the top spot, Glencoe Youth Hostel is set in one of Scotland’s most spectacula­r and historic glens.

This alpine-style hostel is a popular base for walkers and climbers of all abilities and offers a great range of accommodat­ion.

 ?? ?? ‘PERFECT’: Loch Ossian has won Hostel or Bunkhouse of the Year in The Great Outdoors Magazine Reader Awards.
‘PERFECT’: Loch Ossian has won Hostel or Bunkhouse of the Year in The Great Outdoors Magazine Reader Awards.

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