The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Presiding officer to ‘get out and about’


Holyrood’s presiding officer is to “get out and about” with visits across the country as the Scottish Parliament prepares to mark its 25th anniversar­y.

Alison Johnstone is to visit all eight of the Scottish Parliament’s regions as part of events to mark the milestone.

The Scottish Parliament is also planning a special event to be held on June 29 as part of celebratio­ns to mark a quarter of a century of devolution.

Holyrood was establishe­d after a referendum in 1997, shortly after Tony Blair became prime minister, which saw almost threequart­ers of those who voted back the new institutio­n.

The Scottish Parliament sat for the first time less than two years later, after the first devolved elections in May 1999 – with Ms Johnstone saying it is “still very much in its infancy”.

She recalled in the run-up to the devolution referendum she had been “very drawn to the idea of a devolved parliament”, adding that she had contacted the cross-party Scotland Forward group – which campaigned for the establishm­ent of a

tax-levying Scottish Parliament – before she ever became involved in party politics.

“For me the devolved parliament marked a real step change in my own involvemen­t in politics,” she said. “I think that was the case for many people.”

With the parliament preparing to mark 25 years of devolution, Ms Johnstone said a special commemorat­ion is planned for June 29.

While the event is still at the planning stages, Ms

Johnstone said they were “keen to make sure at the very heart of the celebratio­n we are bringing folk from all across the country, from different walks of life”.

Young people are also likely to play an “integral part”, she added.

Meanwhile, in a bid to “engage as fully as possible” with people across Scotland, Ms Johnstone said she would be visiting all eight regions represente­d at Holyrood.

She said: “I am very keen that I have an opportunit­y to visit all the eight regions of Scotland that are represente­d in the parliament, to get out and about and to discuss their parliament with the people of Scotland.”

She added: “We have technologi­cal advances that can bring people into the chamber, but there is nothing quite like that faceto-face engagement.

“So I am really keen that we do what we can to break down that distance and break down any barriers that exist.”

 ?? Regions. ?? OUTREACH: Presiding Officer Alison Johnstone is to visit all eight parliament­ary
Regions. OUTREACH: Presiding Officer Alison Johnstone is to visit all eight parliament­ary

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