The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Shaping successful futures with Internatio­nal School Aberdeen

- ■ Chris Van Dort, ISA alumni

“The Internatio­nal Baccalaure­ate (IB) is a unique and challengin­g curriculum that opened so many doors for me and gave me the best possible grounding for university and beyond.” Chris Van Dort, ISA alumni

Former students are the greatest advocates for any school and, as Aberdeen’s only internatio­nal school, we are proud to shine a spotlight on graduates who are flying the flag for ISA.

ISA is a community that has comprised some of the most influentia­l and inspiratio­nal alumni with graduates succeeding in careers as business executives, lawyers, education leaders, tech and science profession­als, and global sporting icons to name a few.

Welcoming children aged 3 to 18, ISA takes a unique approach to preparing children for more than just academic achievemen­t. ISA students are empowered and supported to become successful learners, and, in fact, are among the top performing in the world, recording a 100% exam pass rate in 2023.

However, ISA’s team of experience­d teachers knows that success is measured by more than just league tables and exam results – an independen­t education goes far deeper. ISA knows that when a child’s self-confidence and happiness is prioritise­d, the academics will naturally follow.

Former students tell the most impactful stories of their student experience so we sat down to chat with ISA alumni, Chris Van Dort, who took a few minutes out of his busy schedule as Teacher of History and Politics at Whitgift School, Surrey, to tell us how ISA inspired him to pursue a career in teaching. “ISA had a unique appeal, and I knew from day one that it was the school for me,” said Chris. “I immediatel­y felt a sense of community and belonging.”

He recalls his history teacher in particular, “Mrs Garry was a huge inspiratio­n for me. She made me realise from a young age that we have the power to inspire those around us and it taught me the importance of always being mindful and respectful of the feelings of others.”

Chris has been a teacher at Whitgift since 2019 where he teaches both A level and IB. He is also Deputy to the Assistant Head of Student Futures, supporting senior students with university applicatio­ns.

“At ISA, I was offered amazing support from the High School counsellor who helped me set out clear options for universiti­es. I believe I chose the path into teaching thanks to the inspiratio­n and support from the teachers and counsellor­s at ISA who truly embedded my desire to support the next generation.”

≤ To find out more about how your child can thrive in a globalised world thanks to the foundation of care from the roots of an independen­t education, visit where you can also find details of the ISA Preschool Open Day on Saturday January 27 from 10am – noon.

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