The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

‘Thanks for trying to save my brother’


The sister of a man who died in Tillydrone has thanked people who tried to save her brother’s life – and urged them to seek support if they are struggling.

Jamie Forbes was found dead outside Elphinston­e Court at around 3.30pm on Monday afternoon.

It is understood he fell from a window and a 37-year-old man has been charged in connection with his murder.

Lee Smith, from the city, appeared at Aberdeen Sheriff Court earlier this week where he made no plea and was remanded in custody.

Police responded to a “concern call” at the high-rise earlier that day after neighbours heard a man shouting for help, but officers said they could not find any person in distress and left the scene.

The circumstan­ces of their visit have been referred to Police Scotland’s Profession­al Standards Department for considerat­ion.

Jamie’s family – who lost their mum, Carol-Anne Bates, in 2020 – have been left heartbroke­n by his death.

His sister Lyndsay-anne said this is the second funeral she has had to arrange in just three years of people close to her – and that the world will never feel safe for her again.

As well as acknowledg­ing the devastatio­n her family are going through, she also urged people who had witnessed Jamie’s death – or who tried to help him – to ask for help if they need it.

She said: “I want to thank anyone who called police from early morning on Monday until Jamie died, and who continue to help in the case.

“So many people have come forward to apologise to me for not doing more but they are not to blame. They tried to help Jamie and I can only imagine the heartbreak they are going through.

“I know for so many of you it’s been such a traumatic experience, so please seek support if you need to. Help is out there so grab it, as I can only imagine what the community has seen.

“In particular I would like to thank the scaffolder­s who rushed over to try to help save Jamie’s life.”

Lyndsay-anne says she is determined to get to the bottom of all the events that took place that day, and if anything could have been done to save her brother.

She said: “Perhaps if Jamie had been found earlier when he was screaming for help, this wouldn’t have happened.

“The more people who come forward the better, so the police can find the timeline of everything that has happened from morning until his death.

She added: “Our Jamie was special to us. He was a big brother to five siblings, and he was an amazing uncle to his niece and nephews.

“He was a son, a grandson, a nephew and a cousin to many.”

Detective Inspector Andrew Machray, who is leading inquiries into the incident, said: “Our thoughts remain with Jamie’s family and friends at this difficult time.

“Officers remain in the area. Anyone with informatio­n can speak to them, or call 101 quoting reference 1972 of January 15. They can also phone Crimestopp­ers anonymousl­y on 0800 555 111.”

 ?? ?? TRAGEDY: Jamie Forbes was found dead outside Elphinston­e Court on Monday.
TRAGEDY: Jamie Forbes was found dead outside Elphinston­e Court on Monday.

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