The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Guidance on how to manage AI and ‘harness’ its power


Afirst-of-its-kind internatio­nal standard on how to safely manage artificial intelligen­ce (AI) has been published by the UK’s national standards body.

The guidance sets out how to establish, implement, maintain and continuall­y improve an AI management system, with a focus on safeguards.

It has been published by the British Standards Institutio­n (BSI) and offers direction on how businesses can responsibl­y develop and deploy AI tools.

It comes amid ongoing debate about the need to regulate the fast-moving technology, which has become increasing­ly prominent over the last year thanks to the public release of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT.

The UK held the first global AI Safety Summit last November, where world leaders and major tech firms from around the world met to discuss the safe and responsibl­e developmen­t of AI, as well as the potential long-term threats the technology could pose.

Those threats included AI being used to create malware for cyber attacks and even being a potentiall­y existentia­l threat to humanity, if humans were to lose control of the technology.

Susan Taylor Martin, chief executive of BSI, said of the new internatio­nal standard: “AI is a transforma­tional technology. For it to be a powerful force for good, trust is critical.

“The publicatio­n of the first internatio­nal AI management system standard is an important step in empowering organisati­ons to responsibl­y manage the technology which, in turn, offers the opportunit­y to harness AI to accelerate progress towards a better future and a sustainabl­e world.”

Scott Steedman, director general for standards at BSI, said: “AI technologi­es are being widely used by organisati­ons in the UK despite the lack of an establishe­d regulatory framework.

“While government considers how to regulate most effectivel­y, people everywhere are calling for guidelines and guardrails to protect them.

“In this fast-moving space, BSI is pleased to announce publicatio­n of the latest, internatio­nal management standard for industry on the use of AI technologi­es.

“Medical diagnoses, selfdrivin­g cars and digital assistants are just a few examples of products that already benefit from AI.

“The guidelines for business leaders in the new AI standard aim to balance innovation with best practice by focusing on the key risks, accountabi­lities and safeguards.”

“People everywhere are calling for guidelines and guardrails to protect them

 ?? ?? LOOK TO FUTURE: The BSI standard aims to help firms and organisati­ons to manage the technology responsibl­y.
LOOK TO FUTURE: The BSI standard aims to help firms and organisati­ons to manage the technology responsibl­y.

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