The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

F1:Hamilton winsdramat­ic British GP


Nick Kyrgios has withdrawn from the US Open because of his concerns over the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Kyrgios said his decision “hurts me at my core” and criticised some of his fellow players in a video posted on social media.

“I’ve got no problem with the USTA putting on the US Open and if players want to go, that’s up to them so long as everyone acts appropriat­ely and acts safely,” he said.

“But tennis players, you have to act in the interests of each other.

“You can’t be dancing on tables, money-grabbing your way around Europe or trying to make a quick buck hosting the next exhibition. That’s just so selfish. Think of the other people for once.

“Tennis players have to act in the interests of each other”

“That’s what this virus is about. Act responsibl­y.”

The US Open is scheduled to start behind closed doors at Flushing Meadows on August 31. Reading an open letter, Kyrgios said the global economy and tennis could rebuild, “but we can never recover lives lost”.

“Dear Tennis, let us take a breath here and remember what is important, which is health and safety as a community,” Kyrgios said.

“To those players that have been observing the rules and acting selflessly, I say good luck to you.

“It hurts me at my core not to be out there competing at one of the sport’s greatest arenas, Arthur Ashe Stadium. But I’m sitting out for the people, for my Aussies, for the Americans who have lost their lives. For all of you.”

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