The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Famous song popular as ever almost 60 years on

Lorry driver could not sing when he wrote Loch Maree Islands


By his own admission Kenneth MacKenzie was no singer, nor could he read or write music.

But driving through the spectacula­r scenery of the west Highlands still drew out his creative talent to write songs.

Loch Maree Islands was written in the early 1960s and is still as popular this year, when Kenneth MacKenzie would have turned 95.

It evolved as he spent hours in his Forestry Commission lorry and, as the countrysid­e inspired lyrics, they were committed to paper.

More than half a century later the song remains one of the most enduring standards of the ceilidh scene.

It has been sung by almost every Scottish singer and appeared on Uptown Fank, last year’s album from Hebridean phenomenon Peat & Diesel, who also performed it on BBC Alba’s Hogmanay show. Mr MacKenzie’s son Alex said: “It just seems to be one of those songs that will be on the go forever.”

Its creator, who was born in Poolewe, spent most of his working life with the commission.

With no radio in his lorry during long drives, he sang or whistled to amuse himself.

He wrote that his own tune evolved subconscio­usly and he memorised it through repeated humming.

Words came from memories of climbing hills where he went deer stalking and the song was completed with the now familiar chorus: “Show me Arigh ‘n Eilean below me Loch Maree.

“O leave me to my solitude and let me wander free. To climb the rocky mountains and search the glen below.

“For a fine 10-pointer or a royal ‘o’.”

His next issue was how to launch it, as he noted: “In addition to not being able to read or write music, I was totally unable to sing except perhaps in the bath or driving along the road with the heavy beat of a big diesel engine to drown out the awful howling noises coming from my throat.”

The song title, originally called Airigh ‘n Eilean, was changed to Loch Maree Islands by music publishers and, after becoming popular locally, it was picked up by some well-known singers.

Fergie MacDonald, the ceilidh king’, eard the song in the mid 1960s and drove to Mr MacKenzie’s home at Cannich to note down the words.

It later topped the Scottish charts and gave Fergie his first big hit.

Following his father’s death in 2012, son Alex, who lives near Lairg, erected a plaque in the hills above Loch Maree in tribute to him and the song.

“It’s a great song and has been played by everyone over the years and is still played whenever there is a ceilidh,” he said.

 ??  ?? GREAT COMPOSITIO­N: Kenneth MacKenzie in the cab of his Forestry Commission lorry and, right, employing a different kind of hook with a spot of salmon fishing
GREAT COMPOSITIO­N: Kenneth MacKenzie in the cab of his Forestry Commission lorry and, right, employing a different kind of hook with a spot of salmon fishing
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