The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Learn to manage online identity


A course helping internet users to develop the skills to better manage their online identity has been created by university experts.

The free online University of Edinburgh course will give participan­ts the opportunit­y to find out how to shape the digital footprint that they create through social media, image sharing and web browsing.

They can also learn how to handle content posted online by other people.

Course organisers say a well-managed online identity can result in job opportunit­ies and social connection­s, but a poor one can cause real reputation­al damage.

The course will enable participan­ts to take responsibi­lity for overseeing personal data on the internet.

Called Digital Footprint, it provides advice on removing unwanted informatio­n from the web, and encourages reflection on privacy and social media use.

Learners will also find out how to transform their digital footprint into a positive online identity for profession­al networking.

Course designer Nicola Osborne said: “In today’s world it is important to consider our online identity.

“People should ask themselves what would come up if a future employer searched for them online.

“We hope the course will enable participan­ts to get the best out of these brilliant digital tools.” The new Massive Open-access Online Course or MOOC will be available from May 1 via coursera at­tprint/

“What would come up if an boss searched online?”

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