The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Business rates ‘injustice’


SIR, – I read with interest your article about Grampian’s rates assessor Ian Milton’s view on the business rates.

His apology for the shambolic and not fit for purpose tax system is welcome and his view that businesses will just accept this unjust tax is correct as we are legally bound to do so. What still remains is that many businesses are going to be unfairly penalised over the coming years and I find his view that his department is not going to be inundated with appeals illogical.

Aberdeensh­ire Council assessors and councillor­s are digging deep and finding solutions and support to this injustice while Aberdeen city, who seem deadlocked in conflict with the Scottish Government, stand idle. The price of failing to match the rates support given by the shire will leave many Aberdeen-based company’s uncompetit­ive and at an unfair disadvanta­ge.

I would suggest ultimately it will be the citizens of Aberdeen who will pay the price for this injustice when companies decide to close or relocate. In my 37 years trading in Aberdeen I have never felt so discrimina­ted against and I question how in this supposed fair and just Scotland has this great injustice been allowed to happen? Andrew Charles, Crombie Road, Aberdeen

“of circumstan­ces in this context. In the election of members of the Scottish Parliament in 2016 more than half the total votes were for the four parties that oppose a referendum on independen­ce.

Nicola Sturgeon was not justified in calling it an outrage against democracy when Mrs May suggested the time for Scotland to consider the issue of independen­ce would be when things have settled down after Brexit. Victor FJ Jordan, Albert Road, Ballater and rightly so. The people in fishing communitie­s, our towns and small fishing villages have a strong sense of loyalty, but they can see very clearly that for Scotland to become independen­t and return as members of the EU with our Scottish fisheries as a bargaining chip (as the SNP intend) and for our fishing to be controlled once more from Brussels, would be so damaging to all that Brexit is trying to achieve on behalf of the UK. Ken Watmough, Broomhill

Terrace, Aberdeen also a time when everybody involved in the fishing and farming industries got on with the job without the interferen­ce from either Holyrood or Brussels.

These were better times in the north-east which had also a vibrant boat building and repair industry. Two of the names that spring to mind are Sir Bob Boothby and Sir William Duthie under whose reign the north-east was a quality environmen­t.

It is time the north-east was returned to political sanity. It is also time to congratula­te all the teachers and staff involved in the success of this project. Alexander Sutherland, Hilton Drive, Aberdeen

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