The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Council’s vision for city


SIR, – The debate on the transforma­tion of Aberdeen city centre originated from Sir Ian Wood's proposals for Union Terrace Gardens.

Sir Ian envisaged doing something which would set Aberdeen apart from the ordinary. It was intended to provide not only a “post-oil" legacy for the citizens of Aberdeen, but as something distinctiv­e which would serve as a visitor draw.

What Aberdeen City Council has produced in its Strategic Infrastruc­ture Plan (the Press and Journal, October 29) can certainly not be described as transforma­tional, and has all the appearance of having been cobbled together in haste.

For the most part, it comprises a list of responsibi­lities, including housing and infrastruc­ture, which the council is required to undertake already, while plans relating to the Arts Centre, Lemon Tree and Music Hall can be classed as maintenanc­e.

In short, the declared plans do not include a single thing which could be described as having the “awe factor" which might induce the population to spend more time in the city centre.

The provision of a new exhibition centre may be deemed necessary, but it will be a commercial developmen­t, not funded by the city. A city tramway system is, for various reasons, extremely unlikely to happen and seems added to the list to bulk up the grist in the mill.

However, the long-anticipate­d list of proposals does have one thing in its favour: it is in keeping with coming festivitie­s – it's a damp squib.

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