The People's Friend

Knitting: keep it casual with this easy-to-make ribbed sweater

Our ribbed sweater is simple to make and will work up in no time.



To fit sizes: Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large.

Actual size: 104 cm

(41 ins), 108 (42½),

112 (44), 116 (45½). Length: 68 cm (26¾ ins), 70 (27½), 72 (28¼), 73 (28¾). Sleeve seam: 52 cm (20½ ins).


13 (14, 14, 15) 50-gram balls of Rico Essentials Alpaca Blend Chunky in Pebble (003). One pair 5.5 mm (No. 5) and 6 mm (No. 4) knitting needles. If you have difficulty finding the yarn used, you can order directly from Wool Warehouse, website: www. woolwareho­, telephone: 0800 505 3300.


18 sts and 20 rows to 10 cm measured over pattern using 6 mm needles.


alt – alternate; beg – beginning; dec – decrease; foll – following; inc – increase; K– knit; P– purl; P2SSO – pass 2 slipped sts over st just worked; rem – remain; rep – repeat; SKPO – slip 1, K1, pass slipped st over; sl2k – slip next 2 sts one at a time knitwise; st(s) – stitches; tog – together.

Important Note

Directions are given for four sizes. Figures in brackets refer to the three larger sizes. Figures in square brackets [ ] refer to all sizes and are worked the number of times stated. When writing to us you must enclose an SAE if you would like a reply.


With 5.5 mm needles, cast on 94 (98, 102, 106) sts and work 12 rows in K1, P1 rib. Change to 6 mm needles.

1st row – ★ K2, P2, rep from ★ until 2 sts rem, K2. 2nd row – ★ P2, K2, rep from ★ until 2 sts rem, P2. Rep the last 2 rows until back measures 45 (46, 47,

47) cm, ending after a wrong-side row.

Shape raglan – Cast off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows – 86 (90, 94, 98) sts.

1st row – K2, SKPO, rib until 4 sts rem, K2tog, K2 – 84 (88, 92, 96) sts.

2nd row – P3, rib until 3 sts rem, P3.

3rd row – K2, SKPO, rib until 4 sts rem, K2tog, K2 – 82 (86, 90, 94) sts.

4th row – As 2nd row.

5th row – K2, sl2k, K1, P2SSO, rib until 5 sts rem, K3tog, K2 – 78 (82, 86, 90) sts.

6th row – As 2nd row. The last 6 rows form raglan shapings ★★ .

Rep 1st to 6th rows until 30 (30, 34, 34) sts remain, ending after 6th (4th, 4th, 6th) row. Cast off.


Work as given for back to ★★ . Rep last 6 rows until 52 (54, 58, 58) sts remain, ending after a 2nd (4th, 4th,

6th) row.

Shape front neck –

1st and 4th size only – K2, SKPO, rib 17 ( –, –, 20), turn, leaving rem 31 (–, –, 34) sts on a stitch-holder – 20 (–, –, 23) sts.

2nd and 3rd size only – K2, sl2k, K1, P2SSO, rib – (17, 19, –,), turn, leaving rem – (32, 34, –) sts on a stitchhold­er – – (20, 22, –) sts.

All sizes – Work on this set of sts only for first side of neck – 20 (20, 22, 23) sts. Work 1 row.

Cast off 2 (1,1, 1) sts at raglan edge as before – 18 (19, 21, 22) sts. Working all raglan armhole decs as set and keeping patt correct, work 6 rows, casting off 2 sts at neck edge of next and foll 2 alt rows – 8 (9, 11, 12) sts.

Work 4 (4,6, 6) rows, dec

1 st at neck edge of next and foll 1 (2,2, 2) alt rows, AT THE SAME TIME work raglan armhole dec as set –4 (4, 4, 5) sts.

Dec 1 st at beg of next 2 (2, 2, 3) rows – 2 sts.

Next row – Patt2tog. Fasten off.

With right side facing, re-join yarn to 31 (32, 34, 34) sts left on stitch-holder.

1st and 4th size only – Cast off 10 sts, patt until 4 sts rem, K2tog, K2 – 20 (–, –, 23) sts. Work 1 row.

2nd and 3rd size only

– Cast off 10 sts, patt until

5 sts rem, K3tog, K2 – – (20, 22, –) sts.

Work 1 row.

All sizes – 20 (20, 22, 23) sts.

Complete to match other side, reversing all shaping.


With 5.5 mm needles and thumb method, cast on 40 (40, 44, 44) sts and work 12 rows in rib as given for back.

Change to 6 mm needles and cont in K2, P2 rib.

1st row – Inc in 1st st, ★ P2, K2, rep from ★ until 3 sts rem, P2, inc in last st – 42 (42, 46, 46) sts.

2nd row – ★ P2, K2, rep from ★ until 2 sts rem, P2. The last 2 rows set pattern including increases for sleeve shaping.

1st, 2nd and 3rd size only – Cont in patt as set inc 1 st at each end of 5th and every foll 6th row until there are 70 (70, 74) sts.

4th size only – Cont in patt as set inc 1 st at each end of 3rd and every foll 6th and 4th row alternatel­y until there are (80) sts.

All sizes – Cont without shaping until work measures 52 cm, ending after a wrongside row.

Shape raglan – Cast off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows – 62 (62, 66, 72) sts.

1st row – K2, SKPO, rib until 4 sts rem, K2tog, K2 – 60 (60, 64, 70) sts.

2nd row – P3, rib until 3 sts rem, P3.

3rd row – K2, SKPO, rib until 4 sts rem, K2tog, K2 – 58 (58, 62, 68) sts.

4th row – As 2nd row.

5th row – As 1st row – 56 (56, 60, 66) sts.

6th row – As 2nd row.

7th row – K2, sl2k, K1, P2SSO, rib to last 5 sts, K3tog, K2 – 52 (52, 56, 62) sts.

8th row – As 2nd row. The last 8 rows form raglan shapings.

Rep last 8 rows until 10 (6, 10, 12) sts rem, ending after a 2nd (6th, 6th, 8th) row. Cast off.


Neckband – Join raglan seams leaving left back raglan open. With 5.5 mm needles and right side facing, pick up and knit 9 (6, 8, 10) sts evenly across top of left sleeve, 12 (14, 14, 14) sts evenly down left side of front neck, 12 sts evenly across front neck, 12 (14, 14, 14) sts evenly up right side of front neck, 9 (6, 8, 10) sts across top of right sleeve and 28 (30, 30, 30) sts evenly across back of neck – 82 (82, 86, 90) sts. Work 9 more rows in K1, P1 rib. Cast off in rib.

To Make Up – Join left back raglan and neckband seams. Join side and sleeve seams. Pin out to the measuremen­ts given. Cover with clean, damp tea towels, then leave until dry. n

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