The Oban Times

At random


A sad loss

I was saddened and shocked last week to hear of the sudden death of a friend in Oban, who will be familiar to many of you readers.

Philip MacKinnon was an ever-genial fellow to have the pleasure of bumping into, in my case often in licensed premises in the town. I have never known him not to have a big smile or to be in good spirits.

I first met Philip some years ago through his sister and brother-in-law, Mary and Allan McKie, both weel-kent Oban folk from the retail and hospitalit­y sectors in the area. We all met regularly if coincident­ally in Aulay’s, where Philip’s wife Caroline often joined us.

Philip was, as Mary told me, many people’s ‘go to guy’ for electrical works, being a self-employed sparky, but he was, of course, first and foremost a family man, being dad to Michael and Cara.

I know how devastated Mary and Allan and the rest of their extended family are by this loss and my thoughts are with them all.

Worth a cheer

I offer the following words at the peril of incurring the wrath of colleague Nicky Murphy, the advertisin­g department boss at The Oban Times, but she deserves a nod of recognitio­n.

I mention incurring her wrath because she does not seek the limelight over her activities in organising the Pink Ladies Day event every year for Argyll women who have faced breast cancer.

This is a superb day for the women involved but only happens because of Nicky’s efforts in raising the money to pay for it, and bringing together all the experts to provide a fabulous day of pampering, food, drinks and fun.

The ladies who attend are also invited to take a friend.

I know from talking to Nicky how very much appreciate­d the day out is.

This year’s Pink Ladies Day is in November at the Drimsynie Estate at Lochgoilhe­ad. Have a great day out, ladies.

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