The Oban Times



As I write this, we said goodbye to some lovely crisp and frosty weather and a return to, well rain!

What a shame as lots of folk were out and about taking advantage of the bright sunshine and nice walking weather. The cold snap also brought on some lovely displays of frost covered trees, frozen ponds and stream.

This week also sees a return to learning for school children, albeit different to attending school, but everyone seems geared up to learning online. From speaking to various teachers, the schools seem well set up to support them from a distance.

Many people have returned to work and, again, many are working remotely. These two situations are not what any of us want.

We all miss interactin­g with each other and catching up on what is happening locally. This can add to some mental health issues and it is important we all look out for each other with maybe a wee text or better still a phone call.

In terms of getting out and about given the change in weather there is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong type of clothing, as Billy Connelly once said.

Rather than staying indoors all day it might be an idea to get the jackets, gloves, and scarves on and brave the elements. It’s amazing how a nice walk or a bit of exercise can make you feel a lot better. Especially when we stay in the beautiful west coast.

Stay safe this week and remember to support your community by ensuring we are all following the latest lockdown restrictio­ns.

Last week’s photograph was the building above the Etive Restaurant.

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