The Oban Times

Stay at home, stay online, stay safe, stay learning


Head teacher of Oban and Tiree high schools and Tiree Primary School Peter Bain is urging pupils to keep motivated during the coronaviru­s lockdown, writes Fiona Scott.

In a letter to parents, Mr Bain also asked parents to ensure the young students took time out from their studies to enjoy recreation­al pursuits.

‘The majority of our pupils across all stages are engaging in online learning,’ he wrote.

‘Of course, not all do and we ask that you continue to insist they do, even though this may be difficult.

‘We understand teenagers are difficult to motivate in the morning and are aware a number of households may only have one device between three or four family members.

‘With these issues in mind, our teachers will continue to place work and resources on Google Classroom and be available to chat to pupils but they will be understand­ing and accommodat­ing when looking for online attendance and returns of work.

‘As long as work is set, resources are provided. We are encouragin­g our youngsters to keep academical­ly motivated and progressin­g as this will set them up for an easier time when back in school,’ added Mr Bain.

To ease pupils back into a more normal school life, whenever that may be, new courses and timetables will begin on Tuesday May 5.

‘With no exams, staff intend to use the extra time to work online with youngsters throughout May and June - if the schools are still closed - to help prepare them as best they can given the circumstan­ces. Deputes and principal teachers in Oban and Tiree are liaising with pupils and parents over course choices.

‘We realise it is not possible to fill a child’s day with school work given they are working alone, neither is it desirable,’ continued Mr Bain.

‘Balance is the key. Do all the tasks set by teachers then go and play, read a book, spend time chatting to friends or family. Stay mentally and physically healthy as well as learning.’

Mr Bain thanked everyone who had sent positive comments, via email and social media. ‘I would like to add to that praise by commending our head janitor, office staff, technician­s, canteen staff, cleaners and local authority education support staff who continue to keep our schools open, our IT working and our children in need supported during this difficult time,’ he wrote.

‘Thanks also to the members of the public and some former teachers who have emailed me offering to volunteer. The thanks and offers to volunteer are heart-warming.’

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