The Oban Times

Looking forward to a hectic weekend


I’ve just spent a very pleasant wee while listening to all the entries for the Oban Live Unsigned and trying to decide my favourites.

It’s not easy as we have some very talented acts to choose from.

It also made me realise that it’s not long to go, only nine weeks until Oban Live hits the stage again. Personally, I can’t wait – I love the buzz it brings to the town and this year I think the fringe events are going to be even better.

Not that I’m wishing my life away. There are lots of things happening to keep me amused in the meantime.

On Friday, Oban and Lorn Dementia Support is hosting a ceilidh in the Royal Hotel; on Saturday I’m planning a visit to Oban Phoenix Cinema to see Fisherman’s Friends; and on Sunday we’ll be welcoming a cruise ship carrying more than 3,000 passengers and crew when the Magellan calls into Oban.

On Monday, I think I’ll be glad to go back to work for a rest although we’re revving up for the summer season at the moment and it’s all go.

New leaflets are being prepared, maps sorted, walking tours arranged and preparatio­n for all the cruise ships and visitors who will shortly be pouring into the town.

I love the anticipati­on at this time of year, for the good weather and everything that the summer will bring.

It’s nice to see all the businesses getting ready too, with fresh paint everywhere.

Last week’s photo was of Brian at the Ranald Hotel doing a fantastic job of keeping his part of town clean. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone did the same?

This week’s photo is a different angle to look at things.

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