The Oban Times

Visitors need more than soap and candles


I feel compelled to write to you regarding the response of A Halley (The Oban Times, letters, August 16) to my letter published in the previ- ous week’s edition. Their final comment asking campervan drivers to ‘pay up or shut up’, aside from being a frankly rude response, is also rather nonsensica­l.

Tobermory harbour has no restrictio­ns on parking, so anyone (campervans included) is more than entitled to park there. It is hardly our fault (I include Fergus, my wee dog, as always) that the council has not sorted this out.

I would advise the council to create special campervan parking bays at the pier end of the harbour, charging a small fee for overnight stays, thus keeping everyone happy.

As a side issue, I would love to spend more money on Mull, but if you are a regular visitor there is only so much expensive soap, expensive chocolate and antler horns one requires.

As for A Halley’s accusation of dumping my chemical toilet where it is not wanted, I can assure them that my ablutions remain in my campervan (I cannot say the same for Fergus) until such time as I can dispose of them in the correct manner.

However, if Tobermory’s public toilets hadn’t been turned into an ice-cream parlour the whole thing may be rather a moot point.

I shall possibly rethink my autumnal plans if there is to be this kind of animosity toward campervans. Indeed, instead of bumping their gums, Mull residents would do better to create an economic model that is not so reliant on tourism, chocolate and candles. Then maybe they could afford to behave in such a cavalier fashion toward visiting tourists. R M Dalrymple, by email.

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