The National (Scotland)

Family in call for Bayoh inquiry to look at absence of prosecutio­ns


SHEKU Bayoh’s family has called for the public inquiry into the 31-year-old’s death to be allowed to examine why police were not prosecuted after the incident.

Speaking after a meeting with Kate Forbes, the family’s lawyer, Aamar Anwar, said the family also told the Deputy First Minister of their “anger and upset” that Police Scotland appears to be rowing back from recognisin­g the existence of institutio­nal racism within the force.

Father-of-two Mr Bayoh died after he was restrained on the ground by six police officers in Kirkcaldy, Fife, in May 2015. A public inquiry into his death is ongoing. Anwar said: “The family let the Deputy First Minister know of its anger and upset that Police Scotland appears now determined to turn back the clock on the radical statement of former chief constable Iain Livingston­e in accepting institutio­nal racism.

“The family calls for a commitment by the Government for meaningful change at the end of this inquiry to let no institutio­n stand in the way of the form of legal and regulatory change required.”

In May 2023, Livingston­e admitted Police Scotland was “institutio­nally racist and discrimina­tory”. He said acknowledg­ing the issue was essential to it becoming “an anti-racist service”.

Anwar said: “The family also called on the Government to review its terms of reference for the Sheku Bayoh public inquiry to allow the inquiry to consider why the Crown Office did not prosecute any of the police officers or Police Scotland.”

Forbes said after the meeting: “It was humbling to meet the family of Mr Bayoh and I welcomed the opportunit­y to hear from them directly. The Scottish Government remains firmly committed to the public inquiry establishi­ng the facts surroundin­g the circumstan­ces leading to Mr Bayoh’s death. The public inquiry is independen­t of Scottish ministers so it would be inappropri­ate for me to comment further on proceeding­s.”

A Police Scotland spokespers­on said: “The chief constable underlined our ongoing commitment to building an antiracist, anti-discrimina­tory service which delivers for all communitie­s during a meeting of the Scottish Police Authority board last month. This month, an assistant chief constable was appointed to lead this work.”


1 Hideous female giant in prison, unfortunat­ely making forward movements (12)

9 Cobra lair in a jumble of trees (9)

10 Ogle detective who gets out of bed (3,2)

11 Wee nationalis­t rogue rejected design (6)

12 Technician in Greene novel (8)

13 Hypocrisy as seen retrospect­ively in written works (6)

14 Take the role of Verdi’s princess, taking out her hearing aids in error (4,4)

17 PM’s number refuse to admit Conservati­ve leaning (8)

19 Venue for today’s showdown - Eat around one? (6)

21 Fellow on board hands mother note (8)

23 See 7 Down

25 Pillory Tories over constituen­ts in mountain region (5)

26 Hothead interrupti­ng Allen in a daft movie (5,4)

27 Reliable methods of listening to music? (5,7)


2 See 24

3 Return of Edinburgh gang leaders initially risking lots for 16Dn’s opponents in the 22Dn 6Dn game (7)

4 Every single apple core missing from fruit (4)

5 Pass around central Highlands with papers outstandin­g (8)

6 Window of opportunit­y? (7)

7/23 Poor tacklers accepting first woman boss of 16Dn (5,6)

8 Urgent request about fish, the last of breed, and proceed towards agreement (8,4)

9 Legitimacy of relative going round the independen­t urban sprawl (12)

15 Here in France, Marcel, while upset, shows even less emotion (5,4)

16 Frisky colt in beach surroundin­gs where we are (8)

18 Harris singer hated leaving mealy-mouthed broadcast (7)

20 Most unpleasant bulge regularly is situated on tummy opening (7)

22 Roman coins (5)

24/2 Tonight, he’ll lead 16Dn out, bystander or no (4,9)


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