The National (Scotland)

Many Scots voted Yes


His comments come after Swinney used a speech on Friday to warn that the Labour leader Keir Starmer will inflict “significan­t cuts” on public spending in Scotland if his party wins the July 4 General Election.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies think tank has already warned of “sharp” cuts to come, regardless of whether Labour or the Conservati­ves win power.

It also comes after the Sunday National laid bare the scale of cuts that Labour are signed up to if they win next month.

If the party wants to get debt down and not raise taxes, then it is committed to £19bn worth of cuts, according to the Resolution Foundation.

Yesterday, Swinney said he was deeply concerned that Labour and the Tories were “debating our economic future in a parallel universe by refusing to accept the reality of their decisions”.

But Sarwar hit back: “This is just the latest in a series of ludicrous claims and attacks from the SNP because it appears now that they are less interested in getting rid of the Tories and more interested in attacking the Labour Party.

“And I think they are out of tune and out of step with the Scottish people.

“The Scottish people recognise that this election is our opportunit­y and one we can’t afford to miss to get rid of this rotten right-wing Tory government and that’s what I’m focused on.

“The SNP can continue the attack on the Labour Party all it likes. I think that’s a symbol of their desperatio­n rather than actually them being in tune with public opinion here in Scotland.”

That’s why Keir Starmer and I have worked so tirelessly to change our party

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