The Mail on Sunday

Revenue needs real people!


Ms S.C. writes: I am treasurer of a small cat rescue charity. We are registered for VAT and submit returns to HM Revenue & Customs. Since our latest refund claim was submitted we have not received the near£5,000 which HMRC itself said was owed to us.

THE biggest problem anyone faces with the taxman nowadays is getting through to someone who will actually listen to your question, let alone provide an answer. Revenue bosses behave as if the answer to every question is displayed on their website, which is clearly untrue.

You tried many times to phone the Revenue. You were lucky to get through, but when you did, you were simply asked automatic questions and then sent an online link to a web page which showed your refund had not been paid – which was exactly why you were calling. You emailed several times and received responses saying a reply would be sent within 15 days. Of course, it wasn’t. You posted hard copy letters. They were never acknowledg­ed.

I asked officials at the Revenue head office to look into this. They found that your charity changed its bank details, and informed the Revenue, at about the same time as the refund was due. The refund went to your old account and bounced back to the taxman, and that is where it stayed. Nobody forwarded it to your new account. The Revenue has apologised. Your refund of £4,799 has now been sent to your new account, along with £36 interest because of the delay. Members of the HMRC Board please note that no website advice or recorded message could ever have resolved this problem. Please provide trained human beings who can handle real problems.

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