The Mail on Sunday

Jackson gave young boy jewellery – and even a ‘wedding ring’ – for sex

Audience in tears over new documentar­y’s explosive claims

- From Hugo Daniel IN PARK CITY, UTAH

TWO men have revealed the horrific catalogue of sexual abuse they suffered at the hands of Michael Jackson in a disturbing new documentar­y that threatens to destroy the pop superstar’s legacy.

American James Safechuck, now 40, and Australian Wade Robson, now 36, were both befriended by Jackson as innocent boys.

Among their claims are that the star rigged up bells at his Neverland ranch to warn if anyone was approachin­g as he abused them. They also say they were drilled to get dressed quickly in case they were in danger of being caught – and one even went through a mock ‘wedding ceremony’ with the star.

Disturbing­ly, the abuse often happened as the boys’ mothers slept in the room next door or in a nearby guesthouse.

The documentar­y, Leaving Neverland, by British director Dan Reed, had its premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah on Friday. Counsellor­s were on hand in the cinema lobby for those distressed by the film’s ‘ explicit descriptio­ns of sexual abuse’.

The documentar­y is due to be shown on Channel 4 next month.

Some audience members wept and others walked out during the four-hour screening.

The men claim in the film that the abuse happened in hotel suites, in a luxury Los Angeles apartment that Jackson called ‘the hideaway’, and at his California­n ranch.

Jackson – who is alleged to have molested the boys at separate times – would tell the pair the abuse must stay secret and was ‘ a way of expressing your love’. Robson said Jackson warned him if anyone ever found out they would go to jail.

Safechuck said he was aged ten when he was first abused by Jack- son in a Paris hotel. He had been invited to join him on tour and would dance with Jackson on stage in a matching outfit.

He claimed the star told him he was his first sexual partner and the abuse escalated to the point that they had sex every time they were together.

In the film, Safechuck describes all the places Jackson would allegedly molest him at Neverland, including in a locked private box room in its cinema. He said Jackson lined a series of doors before his room with bells that would warn them if someone was approachin­g.

Safechuck also revealed a diamond- encrusted gold band he described as his ‘ wedding ring’ from a ‘mock wedding ceremony’ in Jackson’s bedroom. He said the star would often buy him jewellery in return for sexual favours.

Robson was seven when Jackson first invited him to Neverland. He said while there he was systemati- cally abused, with Jackson telling him ‘this is how we show our love’. He said Jackson also tried to rape him when he was 14.

Both men said they had not spoken out earlier about Jackson because they had suffered from depression and panic attacks

Jackson died in 2009. The film has been condemned by his estate as ‘an outrageous and pathetic attempt to exploit and cash in’ on the star.

 ??  ?? ALLEGATION­S:Jackson with James Safechuck in London in 1988, above, and with Wade Robson, left
ALLEGATION­S:Jackson with James Safechuck in London in 1988, above, and with Wade Robson, left
 ??  ??

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