The Mail on Sunday

Why we’ve got to take him out – and do it NOW


THE campaign for the 2020 General Election doesn’t kick off for another four-and-a-half years. But time is already running out for the Labour Party.

Every day that passes with Jeremy Corbyn at the helm is another nail in the coffin of a political party that had already lost its way even before it lost its senses.

Peter Mandelson is persuasive when he says that Corbyn can only be ousted when he has proved to those who elected him – Labour Party members – that he is a voteloser among the wider public. On the face of it, that makes sense.

But the former consiglier­e to Labour’s last two Prime Ministers is, for once, being too optimistic: he assumes that Corbyn’s eager, enthusiast­ic followers voted for him because they wanted him to lead them to power. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, for many of them, and for far too many senior people in the trade union movement, the very act of forming a Government is a betrayal of the Labour movement.

No, what these hundreds of thousands of Labour members want is principled opposition, not to compromise in government.

Victory must only be achieved on their own terms, not the electorate’s; they genuinely believe that Britain would vote for a Marxist alternativ­e if only it were offered it. And if Labour is annihilate­d in next May’s local and devolved elections, they will simply do what the hard Left have always done – blame everybody else: the media, the Blairites, the electoral system, the Tories.

But they will never, however bad Labour’s defeats, admit their own misjudgmen­t. They will never understand that their own self-indulgence has led to the demotion of Labour from a party of government to a party of impotent protest.

And what about Labour’s 232 MPs, less than ten per cent of whom actually wanted Corbyn as leader? In a parliament­ary democracy, an invio- lable rule is that leaders without the support of MPs cannot survive. Iain Duncan Smith won the support of an even bigger proportion of his party than Corbyn did, but was neverthele­ss out on his ear two years later.

So who will Labour MPs listen to – their own out-of-touch members or the electorate?

It’s not good enough for MPs simply to use excuses not to act. There will always – always – be a plausible reason to delay action. And by the time we reach the halfway point in this Parliament, the excuse will be: ‘Don’t rock the boat – we need unity in the run-up to the Election.’

After the carnage of this May’s General Election, Labour was limping towards A&E. If Corbyn isn’t sacked as soon as possible, they might as well place a Do Not Resuscitat­e sign above its bed.

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