The Journal

Why immigratio­n is an issue with so many layers to it

- David Taylor-Gooby

THE Office for National Statistics (ONS) have published the latest population statistics. They show what many people predicted, that the population of the UK now stands at 67.6 million in mid 2022, having grown by 4.3 million in 11 years. England experience­d the highest percentage increase, 7.5%.

At the same time the median age (that is the middle of the population) has gone up from 39.6 years in June 2011 to 40.7 years in June 2022. Put simply the population is ageing. The situation is worse in some continenta­l countries, particular­ly Germany.

Since the issue of immigratio­n could be one in the next election, it is worth exploring these figures in more depth. There are a few statistics, but only a few to make the argument. I’ll try not to bombard you with too many.

The ONS states that most of the increase in the last ten years has been through immigratio­n, since the UK birthrate over that time has gone down. In 2021 it was 10.4 per 1,000 population. In 2010 it was 12.9 per 1,000 population. Since the population is not growing due to births, it must be because of immigratio­n.

Some politician­s will immediatel­y start shouting about the “small boats”.

Although the number arriving in small boats is increasing, and is a

In 2022 over a million migrants arrived, with more than half being granted study visas

problem, the majority have been encouraged to come here by the Government, either to fill gaps in the labour market, or to study at British universiti­es. The actual figures are as follows.

In 2022 over a million migrants arrived, with more than half being granted study visas. The number of Ukrainians was about 300,000. Those who came to work often go to the NHS or care sectors, which could not function without them.

The number of migrants from the EU has obviously declined. The biggest group now is Filipinos, followed by Zimbabwean­s and then Indians. I had to go to Sunderland Hospital recently and was seen by a Filipina nurse who was excellent and really knew her stuff.

The Government has actually encouraged overseas students to come here. Funding for UK universiti­es has been cut, and foreign students have to pay higher fees than native ones, which are usually paid by rich relatives or government­s. There is a large cohort of Nigerian students in Sunderland and one of Chinese in Durham.

Although the number of Ukrainians has declined for now, the other figures continue to increase.

But what about illegal immigrants?

In 2023 36,704 people entered the UK illegally, about 80% in small boats. That is about 3% of the total. Now few serious politician­s think illegal migration is a good thing. A few rich “liberals” may think it is racist to talk about it, but they are shielded from the effects.

It is a problem and must be dealt with.

 ?? ?? Some of the small boats and engines used to cross the Channel by people thought to be migrants are stored at a warehouse in Dover. But the crossings are just one part of a larger issue
Some of the small boats and engines used to cross the Channel by people thought to be migrants are stored at a warehouse in Dover. But the crossings are just one part of a larger issue
 ?? ??

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