The Journal

EU’s policy so vindictive

- George Brittain

THE suggestion to assist production of our goods in Ukraine sounded altruistic in the face of the Russia invasion.

I would hope it is not intended to reduce our own ability to defend ourselves.

John Hodgkins’ thoughtful letter of February 8 drew attention to statistica­l sound bites headlining inconsiste­nt claims by anti British EU supporters.

When we were joined the EU Common Market on January 1, 1973 we had leading positions in every industry. Fifty years later nothing.

We can no longer make ships or planes, the residual British Steel is now owned by the Chinese and even Newcastle United is owned by Arabs.

Northumbri­an Water was nationalis­ed and sold and is now owned by Chinese!

Yet France kept its colonies and Germany still owns VW, Mercedes and BMW.

When we spend our money it now goes overseas for imports from jobs which now are abroad.

When we don’t spend, with inflation at 10%, the Bank of England still seeks to return to the EU zero interest rates. They never intended a level playing field for Britain.

I heard this stated as EU policy 50 years ago but I did not then think they were so powerful,or we were so weak and gullible.

Similarly, with the EU regional policy, intended to create regions to replace nations. That is what is still happening, now under the guise of devolution and with the side effect of closing down local government town halls, taking constituen­cies beyond our communitie­s - and all to create regional government­s far too remote from local communitie­s.

Brexit was a vital attempt to escape the continuous vindictive anti-British aggression from the antidemocr­atic EU.

If all the detrimenta­l effects of our EU membership were unintended, then we would still be better getting right out as far removed as possible.

We need a much better industrial policy, to avoid further impoverish­ing our next generation­s.

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