The Jewish Chronicle

The Golem has returned but now he’s not so super


Formed from the mud on the banks of the river Vlatava, the Golem is charged with defending the rabbi’s flock. In one instance, a gentile butcher plans to hide the body of a dead child in the home of a Jewish moneylende­r, to avoid paying his debt. The Golem intercepts the butcher, preventing a blood libel and saving the moneylende­r.

Eventually, though, the Golem became a problem, rampaging through the community and policing overzealou­sly. The Maharal had to return the Golem to the dust, which, according to certain sources, could be done by removing the aleph from the word “emet” (meaning “truth”) which he had written on his forehead, changing it to “meth” (meaning “death”).

It may seem surprising that the Maharal’s actions, seemingly “playing God” by creating a Golem, are not prohibited by Judaism. But the making of a Golem is justified by the Jewish view of the world as having been created by God for man to work and improve on, allowing us to use our intelligen­ce to innovate with the materials provided to us.

The influence of the Golem in modern culture is widespread. With the rise of modern antisemiti­sm in 20th-century Europe, the Golem was remoulded for dark times: first in Paul Wegener’s 1920 film Der Golem, then later in post-Holocaust stories by Elie Wiesel and Thane Rosenbaum. The Golem has also been credited as an inspiratio­n for Superman, the mensch of steel created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster in 1933, as Hitler’s Nazi party began to menace Europe’s Jews. It may even have influenced Tolkien’s Gollum, a morally ambiguous creature who both serves and betrays Frodo, the hero of the Lord of the Rings.

But in the age of the machine, the element of the Golem story that modern storytelle­rs keep returning to is that of the potential for an intelligen­t creation to backfire. Man should be careful what it makes, we are warned, for we do not always realise the full consequenc­es of our actions. This warning can be found in Mary Shelley’s Frankenste­in, the Island of Dr Moreau and films such as Blade Runner, 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Matrix, where artificial intelligen­ce created by humans ends up controllin­g or attacking them.

THE POTENTIAL for artificial intelligen­ce to radically alter or even destroy human life is currently edging from science fiction into science. Most artificial intelligen­ce experts predict that machine intelligen­ce will have outstrippe­d the human brain before the end of this century.

According to Nick Bostrom, a philosophe­r at Oxford University and author of a new book on superintel­ligence, this is the greatest existentia­l threat faced by mankind. He outlines a scenario in which a superintel­ligent computer could destroy mankind simply because it was utterly devoted to an impossibly basic task, such as creating paperclips, and wanted nothing to get in its way.

The parallels with the Maharal’s Golem flooding the kitchen by fetching too much water are clear. So what, if anything, can the Golem teach us about the dangers of creating intelligen­t life form? Is it really still relevant, or is it only useful as a parable used to inform cautionary cinematic tales?

Jewish ethics has a fairly permissive view of innovation. We are encouraged to create new technologi­es in order to improve our general well-being on earth. The risks attached to this innovation are acceptable, as long as proper safeguards are in place to protect us from the potential consequenc­es of our actions. A Golem can be created by humans, but only in concert with the name and power of God. Only by righteous people, under supervisio­n from others and with the ability to control their creation, to walk backwards around it and return it to dust.

God aside, Bostrom recommends very similar safeguards for humans when building robots. He argues that human values should be coded into robots (easier said than done), and that human-equivalent artificial intelligen­ce must be created very carefully, in order to ensure that we remain in control of machines that may quickly outstrip our mental capacity.

Bostrom’s scenario remains disputed and some way off. But as mankind edges its way into the age of the robot, expect to hear more about the Golem. The lessons learnt by the Maharal of Prague are more relevant than ever.

Scientific advances that let us create artificial life may put man in danger

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