The Independent

UK criticised for objecting to vaccine-sharing initiative


The government has been accused of “playing political games” for once again holding up attempts to allow the open sharing of vaccine “blueprints” between manufactur­ers. Both Britain and Germany are continuing to object to calls for a temporary waiver

of internatio­nal rules that block the free transfer of vaccine production methods from one drugmaker to another.

As a result, negotiatio­ns on the matter have been pushed back by a further three months to October – one year after South Africa and India first raised the proposals to the World Trade Organisati­on (WTO).

“Here in South Africa, tens of thousands of people have died from Covid-19 while countries such as the UK and Germany have played political games,” said Fatima Hassan, director of the Health Justice Initiative. She said it was a “failure of the internatio­nal community” that vaccine technology isn’t being shared between countries and their manufactur­ers.

Campaigner­s argue that thousands of people have needlessly died from Covid as world leaders have discussed whether to lift intellectu­al property rights – a move that would enable countries in the global south to produce their own doses rather than relying on handouts from other nations.

Drug manufactur­ers who have the capacity to produce doses are currently prevented from doing so unless they are granted a licence by the original vaccine manufactur­er. Instead, many countries are receiving doses through Covax, the vaccine-sharing initiative led by the World Health Organisati­on (WHO).

Indonesia’s government has said the country could produce 550 million doses if not for intellectu­al property barriers. Nearly 80,000 people have died in the country since the WTO’s negotiatio­ns began last year. Rachmi Hertanti, executive director of Indonesia for Global Justice, said the country was “in desperate need of vaccines”.

“Our country has the capacity to produce millions of vaccine doses for Indonesian­s and people all over the world, but rich countries are upholding intellectu­al property laws that make us dependent on donations or dose imports that will never cover our entire population,” she added. “How can WTO member nations look at this crisis and decide to sit on their hands for months longer?”

Indonesia has seen a surge in child fatalities while the country has battled the Delta variant of coronaviru­s, with children making up 12.5 per cent of all infections at one point last month. In Thailand, a country that was praised for its early Covid response, daily infections are now approachin­g the 20,000 mark. Since October of last year, some 4,503 people have died from the virus, with fatalities rising sharply in recent weeks.

Kheetanat Wannabowor­n, a programme officer at Focus on the Global South, said: “WTO must not delay concrete steps towards an intellectu­al property waiver, considerin­g the context of more deadly variants that leave the low and middle-income countries more at risk without quality vaccines and functional public healthcare in place.”

India and South Africa first proposed a temporary waiver of the WTO rules in October 2020 to allow low and middle-income countries to produce their own vaccines. Both the US and France have declared their support, but a consensus needs to be reached among all WTO members for the proposal to be accepted. A small number of rich countries have opposed the move, with the UK and Germany among the most strident opponents.

However, experts have challenged the assumption that the technology and methods for producing the Covid-19 vaccines

can be easily transferre­d between manufactur­ers. In May, Professor Sarah Gilbert, the scientist who developed the Oxford vaccine, said there were multiple challenges involved in exchanging “blueprints” between pharmaceut­ical companies, from maintainin­g safety production standards at factories to ensuring high yields are maintained.

Last week, the UK announced it would begin exporting 9 million vaccine doses to countries in need, including Thailand and Indonesia. The UK has pledged to donate 100 million vaccines overseas by June 2022, 80 million of which will go to the Covax initiative.

But the donations were dismissed by vaccine equity campaigner­s Global Justice Now as “shamefully inadequate” and a “shoddy piece of PR” given the UK’s continuing objections to the intellectu­al property waiver.

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 ?? (AFP/Getty) ?? Scientists say sharing vaccine ‘b l ueprints’ between manufactur­ers is not simp l e
(AFP/Getty) Scientists say sharing vaccine ‘b l ueprints’ between manufactur­ers is not simp l e
 ?? (AFP/Getty) ?? That vaccine techno l ogy isn’t being shared between countries and their manufactur­ers is a ‘fai l ure of the internatio­na l community’, say campaigner­s
(AFP/Getty) That vaccine techno l ogy isn’t being shared between countries and their manufactur­ers is a ‘fai l ure of the internatio­na l community’, say campaigner­s
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